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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 2 <br />August 10, 1988 <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR RESUBDIVISION OF 8109 OLIVE BOULEVARD BY DONOHUE HEATING & AIR- <br />CONDITIONING, INC. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley noted that Mr. Robert Raben, Secretary of Donohue Heating <br />& Air-Conditioning, Inc., had requested a resubdivision of the Donohue <br />property at 8109 Olive Boulevard. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley called on Mr. Raben to present the proposal. Mr. Raben <br />stated that Donohue had originally owned the property known as 8109 Olive <br />Boulevard but within the past two years had acquired the property at 8109 <br />Olive-Rear for an expansion of its heating and air-conditioning business. <br />The properties were now unified in ownership and in use by recently laid <br />asphalt for parking of company vehicles. The combination of parcels by the <br />proposed plat, "Donohue's Place," would aid the company in financing on the <br />property. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley inquired about the purpose of keeping the access easement <br />on the east side of the front lot. Ms. Elwood stated that her same inquiry <br />of the surveyor, James Engineering and Surveying, Inc., revealed the <br />preference to retain the easement on the record plat since the same easement <br />and building lines were still a matter of record by deed. Ms. Elwood <br />indicated that the proposed plat appears to conform in all respects with the <br />city's Subdivision Ordinance. <br /> <br />After further discussion, it was moved by Ms. Kreishman, seconded by Mr. <br />Washington and passed by a vote of 5-0 that the Plan Comaission approve the <br />resubdivision of property at 8109 Olive Boulevard in accordance with the <br />plat entitled "Donohue's Place." Chairman McCauley informed Mr. Raben that <br />the subdivision request would be referred to the City Council for <br />consideration at its next meeting. <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION OF 3 ACRE PARCEL NORTH OF RUTH PARK. CORVETTE <br />SUBDIVISION. REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley noted that the Toro Corporation had requested review of <br />the proposed final plat for the Corvette Subdivision, consisting of 15 lots <br />for attached single family homes with a proposed new street and wooded <br />common area. Mr. Tobin and Mr. Roufa of the Toro Corporation were present <br />to respond to questions by Commission members. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley recognized Frank Ollendorff, City Manager, who reviewed <br />for Commission members some of the changes incorporated into the final plat <br />and supporting documents at the request of the City. Mr. Ollendorff <br />informed the members that he had met personally with neighbors in the area <br />surrounding the proposed subdivision and learned that they were opposed to <br />an open parking lot within the subdivision as well as a deep concrete <br />storm-water detention basin within the common area. Therefore, the <br />developers proposed a widening of Swarthmore Lane south of Blancha Drive to <br />accommodate increased on-street parking as well as a grassy swale to allow <br />gradual release of storm water run off down the hill north of the lots. He <br />stated that the City had agreed with the developers that the City would <br />
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