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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 3 <br />August 10, 1988 <br /> <br />assume the cost of extending the pavement of Swarthmore Lane south into <br />existing right-of-way thereby providing more street parking for both the new <br />subdivision as well as the surrounding, existing neighborhood. A turn- <br />around would also be paved by the city in the Swarthmore Lane right-of-way. <br /> <br />Mr. Goldman also reviewed for Commission members the changes between the <br />preliminary and final plats requested by the Plan Commission and City <br />Council. The vacated portion of Swarthmore Lane north of Blancha Drive had <br />been so designated. The location of the easement to MSD and the storm water <br />drainage area had been approved by the City Forester. Easements to Union <br />Electric had been removed from behind proposed Lots 6 and 7 to prevent <br />disturbance of any large, valuable trees. Additional right-of-way at a <br />width of 5 feet would be dedicated for City use around the perimeter of the <br />Swarthmore Court turn-around. Mr. Goldman also noted that the proposed <br />subdivision indentures included the provision required by City Council under <br />the Site Plan approval of the townhomes which would provide that the <br />subdivision trustees maintain the common area north of the homes in its <br />natural state. <br /> <br />Commission members posed several questions to the developers and city staff. <br />Mr. Safe asked if the townhouse units would be owned in fee simple and how <br />the common area could be accessed. Mr. Roufa replied that the townhomes and <br />lots would be owned in fee simple and would not be condominium units. Mr. <br />Roufa further explained that the common area could be accessed by the lots <br />along the north side of the new street or through the IS-foot wide easement <br />between Swarthmore Lane and Lot 15. He did state, however, that the <br />developers would not and successor trustees should not encourage use of the <br />common area which would increase litter or jeopardize the natural state of <br />the common area. Chairman McCauley asked if the designated common area had <br />also been rezoned to the single family district. Mr. Ollendorff replied <br />that it had, but that because of its floodplain designation, it could not be <br />developed for single family homes. Ms. Kreishman asked the developers if <br />there was provision to amend the proposed indentures. She noted the <br />apparent conflict between paragraph "PH of restriction #14 of the indentures <br />and restriction #18 of same. After some discussion on the interpretation of <br />these restrictions and the intent of the developers, members suggested that <br />the developers eliminate restriction #18 and insert the word "therefore" <br />after the word "continue" in the third line of paragraph P of restriction <br />#14 and eliminate the words "for successive periods of fifteen (15) years" <br />in the same paragraph. Mr. Rice expressed considerable concern with the <br />lack of available on-street parking on the proposed Swarthmore Court. He <br />expressed his opinion that the additional on-street parking to be achieved <br />by the widening of Swarthmore Lane would not be adequate for the neighborhood. <br />He asked Mr. Goldman what degree of discretion the Subdivision Ordinance <br />provided for Plan Commission approval or denial of a final plat. Mr. Goldman <br />replied that because the Commission had approved the preliminary plat, it <br />seemed that the Commission's decision was a technical one based on compliance <br />with the stated requirements for final plat approval. Mr. Rice remained <br />unsure of the standard of review as did other members. Ms. Kreishman and <br />Mr. Safe indicated that although they felt the plan was not a creditable <br />one, it demonstrated compliance with the ordinance requirements. <br />