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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 2 <br />May 22, 1991 <br /> <br />Mr. Kendall moved that the minutes of the April 24, 1991 meeting be approved with the <br />corrections indicated. Ms. Ratner seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 6-0. <br /> <br />APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #257A - EXPANSION OF EXISTING <br />CARRY-OUT RESTAURANT-6655 DELMAR BOULEVARD <br /> <br />Chairperson Kreishman informed those present that the Plan Commission had scheduled a public <br />hearing on an application from the St. Louis Bread Company for an amendment to Conditional <br />Use Permit #257 A to permit the expansion of the existing carry-out restaurant in the southeast <br />corner of the Market-in-the-Loop building at 6655 Delmar Boulevard. The Chairperson outlined <br />the Commission's procedures and criteria for reviewing conditional use permits and called upon <br />the applicant. <br /> <br />Mr. Ken Rosenthal, owner of the St. Louis Bread Company, introduced his architect who <br />explained that the St. Louis Bread Company, a carry-out restaurant which occupies <br />approximately 660 square feet in the southeast corner of Market-in-the-Loop building wishes to <br />expand its storage and food preparation area by approximately 96 square feet. He pointed out <br />that the area to be used is an under-utilized passageway to the outdoor area to the east of the <br />building. <br /> <br />Mr. Kendall asked if the exterior doors would be removed. Mr. Rosenthal replied that the doors <br />would remain. After further questions from Mr. Kendall, Mr. Rosenthal agreed it would be <br />appropriate to use some sort of window covering such as venetian blinds to block the view into <br />the storage area from the outside. <br /> <br />Chairperson Kreishman asked Mr. Goldman to report on the staff review. Mr. Goldman <br />explained that the carry-out restaurant along with three other carry-out restaurants were approved <br />under a conditional use permit in 1988 with conditions relating to the hours of operation, <br />maximum total space devoted to carry-out restaurant use, provisions for trash containers for <br />patrons, and outdoor furniture. He went on to say that when the construction was approved by <br />the City Council in 1987 after a site plan review, one of the conditions required the building to <br />have at least one entrance open to the public on the east side to encourage pedestrian traffic to <br />the public plaza. The building was built with a public hallway on the east side of the building. <br />It is this hallway, adjacent to the St. Louis Bread Company's existing kitchen, that is the subject <br />of the application. Mr. Goldman reported that the staff believes the proposed expansion will <br />meet the standards for the conditional use permit, stating that public access to the plaza is <br />available from the St. Louis Bread Company space. <br />