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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission, July 24, 1991 <br /> <br />Vice Chairperson Marsh asked Mr. Goldman to report on the staff review. Mr. Goldman <br />explained that this application had been on the agenda for the last meeting but that nobody had <br />appeared as the applicant's representative and that the matter had been continued to this meeting. <br />Mr. Goldman explained that a carry-out restaurant requires a conditional use permit in the "GC" <br />- General Commercial District. This small parcel has a history of marginal uses and long <br />periods of vacancy. He stated that this particular use for the lot was appropriate, provided the <br />usual carry-out conditions are attached. The site development is acceptable if tree planting is <br />added to the development. A total of three or four trees will be sufficient. Additionally, the <br />curb cut on Olive should be removed, replacing the curb and the concrete pavement south of the <br />building so that trees and grass can be planted. The area north of the parking lot should also <br />be converted to a planting area with grass or shrubs. He stated that the staff recommended <br />approval with conditions on signs, landscaping, litter and debris removal, on-premise trash <br />containers, refuse disposal, exhaust systems and operational hours. <br /> <br />The Chairperson asked for comments from the public. No one asked to be heard. Mr. Safe <br />inquired whether Esther Nall, a member of the public who had appeared to testify at the <br />previously scheduled meeting, had been informed of this meeting. Mr. Hill replied that he had <br />mailed notice to Esther Nall. Mr. Goldman stated that Esther Nall had also been informed of <br />the continuation of this hearing at the previous meeting. The public hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked the applicant if the hours of operation were sufficient. Ms. Brown answered <br />that they were. Ms. Kreishman asked the applicant if all of the conditions stated by Mr. <br />Goldman were acceptable. Ms. Brown replied in the affirmative. Jon MacGoy, the operation's <br />architect brought up the concern that catering operations might have to operate later than 10:00 <br />p.m., especially during holidays. Mr. Safe inquired about the difference between carry-out <br />restaurant and catering. Mr. Goldman explained that catering itself is more like manufacturing <br />of food with subsequent delivery. Carry-out would allow a customer to walk into the restaurant <br />to buy a sandwich. Mr. Goldman also stated that if it was the desire of the commission to limit <br />only the "sales/carry-out" hours, the condition should be re-worded to state that. Mr. Foxworth <br />asked Ms. Brown whether she would be willing to suspend carry-out restaurant work after 10:00 <br />p.m. but allow the catering operation to run on later if she wished. Ms. Brown agreed. Mr. <br />Goldman stated that he had no concerns about interference with residential uses in the area due <br />to the distance from location from residential uses. It was decided that the hours of operation <br />for the carry-out restaurant should be limited to the hours between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Safe inquired how the staff enforces landscaping requirement compliance. Mr. Goldman <br />answered that most of the time landscaping is installed after occupancy because of the seasonal <br />nature of landscaping planting. He added that sometimes landscaping is a requirement prior to <br />occupancy in special situations. Mr. Goldman also stated that the landscaping requirements <br />becomes a violation of the conditional use permit and the violator can be taken to Court for <br />violating the permit. Mr. Safe stated that he felt that future landscaping requirements should be <br />more heavily tied to getting the job done. The recommendation for carry-out restaurant hours <br /> <br />2 <br />
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