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August 27, 1997 Plan Commission Minutes Page 2 <br />parking and loading areas in accordance with the standards contained in the Zoning Code. The <br />Chairperson called upon the applicant. <br />Gregory Rose, Assistant City Manager stated that the on September 8, 1997 the City Council will <br />be vacating the land known as the “public plaza.” The proposed amendments to the conditional use <br />will serve to continue the use of the property as is. <br />Chairperson Solodar called on Planning Director, Al Goldman to provide the staff report. Mr. <br />Goldman stated an amendment to Conditional Use Permit CU 257 is necessary in order to maintain <br />control over the public plaza at the Market in the Loop when the City vacates the portion of Heman <br />Avenue that contains the public plaza. Further, some of the conditions pertaining to the restaurant <br />use in the Market have been re-written for ease of enforcement. The conditional use as amended will <br />meet all of the standards for conditional use contained in Section 34-65.4 of the Zoning Code. The <br />following conditions are recommended in order to provide the necessary controls and maintenance <br />of the public plaza: 1) The hours of public use shall be limited to those after 7 am and before 11 pm. <br />2) Carry-out restaurants shall be permitted within the existing structures without the need for separate <br />conditional use approvals. 3) Operators of restaurants shall regularly police the common areas of the <br />premises to remove litter and debris. 4) A sufficient number of trash containers for patron use shall <br />be provided on the premises and shall be regularly emptied and maintained. 5) Adequate refuse <br />disposal shall be provided for the businesses on the premises. 6) The premises include the enclosed <br />market buildings, the open market building with it’s vehicular service areas and pedestrian areas, and <br />the public plaza located between the building at 6631 Delmar and the building at 6655 Delmar. 7) <br />The public plaza shall not be used for parking of any manner. 8) No buildings shall be constructed <br />on any part of the public plaza. 9) The improvements in the public plaza including planters, lighting <br />and concrete work shall be maintained and kept in good repair; and no changes or additions shall be <br />made to such improvements without the prior approval of the City Council. 10) Portable outdoor <br />furniture shall be removed from the public plaza and suitably stored during the months of January and <br />February. No storage of outdoor furniture or other items shall be permitted in the public plaza. <br />Mr. Price asked how the city will maintain control over the property after it is vacated. Mr. Rose <br />stated that the city is retaining a sewer/utility easement on the property. <br />Chairperson Solodar opened the public hearing and asked for testimony from the public. Audrey <br />Ichida, 722 Kingsland, stated that she rents adjacent to the parking lot behind the market and is <br />concerned about the noise level. No other members of the public indicated a desire to speak, so the <br />public hearing portion of the meeting was closed. <br />Ms. Glassman stated that a condition pertaining to the noise level could be added if the commission <br />desired. Mr. Self stated that there is already an ordinance in place concerning noise. Mr. Walsh <br />stated that a condition could state that the use be operate in compliance with the noise ordinance. <br />The Plan Commission determined that the evidence presented to the Plan Commission supports the <br />m-8-27.plc <br /> <br />
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