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<br />August 25, 2004 Plan Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 <br />The Chairperson asked for comments from the members of the Public. Thomas Harig, 7814 <br />Greensfelder stated that he represented the Greensfelder Lane Association. He presented two pages <br />for the record concerning their current position against the application. <br /> <br />Ms. Arbogast stated that she would be voting against the application because of the differing <br />opinions in the engineering reports and because the proposal goes to great lengths to meet the <br />technical requirements of the code but is not meeting the spirit of the code. Further, this will have a <br />negative impact on the lane and the surrounding neighbors. Approving this resubdivision would <br />benefit the applicant only but not the community as a whole and especially not the surrounding <br />neighbors. <br /> <br />Mr. Kreishman stated that this is a difficult case. All portions of the application push the threshold <br />for what is acceptable planning and that the negative effect on the surrounding neighbors must be <br />taken into account. For those reasons he feels that the application does not feel right and should be <br />denied. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers stated that nothing supports the case for definite impervious square footage and storm <br />water run-off. There are differing reports on the storm water run-off and therefore there is no <br />definitive answer to the storm-water question. This application will have a negative impact on the <br />surrounding neighbors and he will therefore vote against approval. <br /> <br />Ms. Ricci stated that although she is sympathetic with the other homeowners, it is her reading of the <br />codes that this is a technical platting function and that there is not discretion if the requirements are <br />met and she will be voting for the application. <br /> <br />Mr. Smith moved that the final plat for resubdivision be approved. The motion was seconded by Ms. <br />Ricci and failed by a vote of 2 to 4 with Mr. Smith and Ms. Ricci voting "aye" and Ms. Arbogast, <br />Mr. Myers, Mr. Kreishman and Mr. Marentette voting "nay." <br /> <br />Discussion of the Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> <br />Mr. Walker and Andrea Riganti, Manager of Planning Services gave an overview of the Review of <br />Goals for the Comprehensive Plan Update. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br /> <br />Ms. Ricci moved for adjournment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Krieshman and passed <br />unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. <br /> <br />m-08-25-2004 . final. pic. doc <br />