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April 14, 1980
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City Council Minutes
April 14, 1980
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Council Meeting
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Session 1242, Minutes <br />April 14, 19.80 <br />Page 3 <br />Glickert very much, and said she had brought a great deal of strength, integrity <br />and honesty to the Council. Mrs. Glickert thanked the Mayor and said she had very <br />much enjoyed her years on the Council. There was a round of applause. <br />There was a brief intermission in which new and old councilmembers and the public <br />chatted informally. <br />Mayor Mooney then called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and the Acting City <br />Clerk called the role. The following members of the Council were present: <br />Mr. Lawrence Lieberman <br />Mr. Joseph L. Adams, Jr. <br />Mrs. Cynthia Metcalfe <br />Mr. Patrick J. Kelley <br />Mr. Allen Sabol <br />Mrs. Betty L. Thompson <br />APPOINTMENTS <br />Councilmember Metcalfe'moved the appointment of Ms Susan Kissinger, 420 West Point <br />Court, to the Traffic Commission, replacing Mr. Rod :ea Johnson, for a term expir- <br />ing January 21, 1981. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sabol and carried unanimously. <br />Councilmember Lieberman moved the reappointment of Mr. Donald Wylan, 7354 Melrose, <br />to the'Civil Service Commission, for a term expiring April 7, 1983. The motion <br />was seconded by Councilmember Sabol and carried unanimously. <br />FORMATION OF COMMITTEE TO REVIEW STATE LEGISLATIVE ISSUES <br />Mayor Mooney announced that two members of the Council, Mr. Lieberman and Mr. Kel- <br />ley, had volunteered to serve on a committee formed to review, comment on and cor- <br />respond -with legislators concerning state legislative matters. At the last Coun- <br />cil meeting, the Mayor had asked any councilmember who wished to serve on this <br />committee to contact him. Mr. Mooney said he would serve on this committee, also. <br />He said the committee would meet on an ongoing basis to discuss state legislation <br />which may affect University City. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS <br />PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL. -REVENUE SHARING FUNDS <br />The City Manager said that prior to preparation of the budget, federal regulations <br />require that citizens be given the opportunity to express written or oral comments <br />regarding proposed use of entitlement funds in the next fiscal year. This hear- <br />ing was scheduled for 8:00 P.M. this evening. Members of the public were invited <br />to express their views, which will be considered in the preparation of the budget <br />by the staff for review by the Council. Mr. 011endorff said the amount of funds <br />available is not known at this time. <br />Mr. Fred Mishow, 711 Eastgate, asked to address the Council. Mr. Mishow made some <br />comments about the election, which were ruled out of order, since the subject un- <br />der discussion was proposed uses of revenue sharing funds. <br />
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