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April 14, 1980
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City Council Minutes
April 14, 1980
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Session 1242, Minutes Page 4 <br />April 14, 1980 <br />- Mrs. Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, asked .to address the Council. Mrs. Glickert <br />asked that .consideration allotting $300,000 in revenue sharing funds <br />to replace the..roof on.Gity. Hall,..which-is.leaking badly,.since that bond pro- <br />posal unfortunately did not pass at the recent election. She is very concerned <br />that no more damage.accrue .to City Hall, commenting that it is an historic build- <br />ing and must be properly.maintained. She.also proposed that $5,000 be allotted <br />to the Historical Society -of University City, for use by them in compiling a <br />book on the history of University City on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. <br />This is one of a number of activities the Historical Society is coordinating in <br />connection with this anniversary. <br />Ms Juanester Russell, 725 Kingsland, representing the University City Schools, <br />asked to address the Council. Ms Russell asked for information as to how to go <br />about applying''for funds, and Mr. 011endorff responded with that information. <br />Mrs. Janie Yeai, 8527 Elmore Avenue, asked to address the Council. Mrs. Yeai <br />asked that revenue sharing funds be used to help low- and middle-income families <br />maintain and repair their homes. <br />Rev. Sterling Lands, 6943 Roberts, asked to address the Council. Rev. Lands <br />asked that funds be allocated for summer and perhaps longer-term employment for <br />young people in University City, feeling this would be a very positive use for <br />these funds. He also thought perhaps some funds could be used for senior citi- <br />zens. <br />Councilmember Thompson asked how these funds have been used in the past, and Mr. <br />011endorff said he would get together in the next few days and send it <br />to her. <br />Mr. Rubin Schlafman, 747 Yale, asked to address the Council. Mr. Schlafman said <br />he was making an appeal for funds on behalf of the transportation program of the <br />Older Adult Community Action.Program, specifically, paying for the insurance on <br />the bus which is used to transport older adults in University City. <br />4 <br />Councilmember Thompson asked how many senior citizens are involved in the bus <br />program, and.Mr.. Schlafman said.there were about 1,.000._in,the OACAP program, but <br />he did not know how many .were involved,.in the Senior :.Service.Board program. <br />Mr. Sidney Schneider, president of the Senior.Service Board, responded. He said <br />their bus goes to of..senior citizens and takesthem to various shopping <br />sites or to one of their three centers for a hot meal. He said each program <br />serves a different purpose and overlap. The bus from each program <br />makes a similar number of trips. <br />Mayor Mooney declared.the..public hearing closed at 8:25 P.M. <br />CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT .OF CONDITIONAL.USE-PERMIT _FOR.A CREDIT -UNION AT <br />7350 OLIVE BOULEVARD x <br />The City Manager said that_the.St. Louis Teachers Credi.t.U.nion applied fcr an <br />-- amendment. ,to its conditional usa pexmit_ for_ a. credit mniun._buil.ding at 7.350 Olive <br />Boulevard. The Plan Commission unanimously approved the amendment, which in- <br />volves moving the fence at the rear property line north to the top of an embank- <br />ment. Neighbors in the area indicated that they were in favor of this change. <br />
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