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<br />Mr. Sullivan said the Trolley should be put to the vote of the residents. He noted the <br />changes made from the original plans and now the cost to the City for upkeep of that <br />section of Delmar. <br /> <br />Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel <br />Ms. Glickert noted University City Council approved an economic development grant of <br />$250,000 and five years later there has not been a findings report. She said the whole <br />trolley concept has changed drastically since first introduced and stated the Council had <br />an obligation to request a public meeting. Ms. Glickert contended this was a change of <br />land use and a zoning change. She said no work should be permitted until all financing is <br />in place and a performance bond submitted. Ms. Glickert’s statement is attached to the <br />end of these minutes. <br /> <br />P. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mr. Glickert stated there were a lot of unanswered questions about the Loop Trolley. He <br />spoke of questions that could not be answered by the representatives from East West <br />Gateway in regards to names of streets, turns and access to the Public Library. Mr. <br />Glickert asked the City Manager to arrange a public meeting with all participants from East <br />West Gateway and the Loop Trolley Co. He said the residents have more questions, want <br />more answers and want it open. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr said a Public Meeting was needed and Council should receive frequent updates. <br />She said Council will hold people’s hands going through the other forty percent remaining <br />on the Trolley plans. Ms. Carr asked about allowing garage sales for houses without a <br />side or back yard. She asked if the City Manager would get back to her as to how a <br />citizen can have a garage sale when they only have a front yard. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated there was something wrong with the process so far. He asked how the <br />City could come in at the end to change what was already done. Mr. Kraft noted the City <br />would not have any authority over Delmar until July 2012. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked the Mayor if she had a seat on the Trolley Board. Mayor Welsch said she <br />became a member when she was elected Mayor. He asked Mayor as to what direction <br />she would guide the Council since she has a seat on the board. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch agreed that a Public Meeting was needed but noted the TDD had not taken <br />over the project as it was still with East West Gateway and the Loop Trolley Co until the <br />Federal Transit Administration, FTA, approved it. She asked the City Manager to put <br />together a meeting where the City will invite the speakers and ask for them to provide the <br />questions/information and give the residents the opportunity to have input. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe requested Mr. Walker arrange for a Public Meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked that someone keep the Council briefed on the Loop Trolley as to what has <br />transpired in addition to the Public Hearing. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert asked that all of the members of East West Gateway and the Loop Trolley Co <br />attend this public meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch entered the following events into record: <br />11 <br /> <br />