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<br />days, that was a lot of hours of lights for even 100 buckets of balls sold in 90 days or <br />it would equate to one golfer per night. He said when he was over at Forest Park in <br />the evening, their lights were turned off. <br /> <br />Mr. Price found it ironic that Council spent 99 percent of their time on the golf course <br />while streets, sidewalks, seniors and kids don’t get that kind of attention. He said <br />common sense should be used and he doesn’t want to spend any more time talking <br />about the lights. He Called for the Question. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft agreed and stated that for the record the City spent too much money on the <br />driving range. Although it was not all of University City’s money, it was still tax <br />payers’ money. He stated there was a half a million dollars spent on it, where it could <br />have been spent on streets and trees. Mr. Kraft said they will be voting on going into <br />reserves now to start to take care of streets and trees. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe stated that at first he was in favor of turning the lights out for the three <br />winter months but if City or Manager or staff has the where-with-all to turn them off in <br />inclement weather. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow said leaving the lights on in good weather was needed for comparison to <br />see if it effectively increased revenue while operating cost were reduced during the <br />three months. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch stated she cannot support the bill as she thought it was one more <br />effort to question the ability and authority of the City Manager. She felt this did not <br />need to be in an ordinance as the City does not have ordinances for the other <br />recreational facilities. <br /> <br />Roll Call vote was: <br />AYES: Ms. Carr, Mr. Crow, Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Price <br />NAYS: Mr. Kraft, Mr. Glickert and Mayor Welsch <br /> <br />Bill 9157 carried by a majority and became Ordinance 6890. <br /> <br />N. NEW BUSINESS <br />BILLS <br /> <br />O. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (continued if needed) <br /> <br />Cirri Moran 6652 Kingsbury <br />Ms. Moran requested a City Public Hearing where citizens’ questions and concerns can be <br />presented to the Loop Trolley TDD and the City where they can be made as part of public <br />record. <br /> <br />Ron Skinner, 2 Princeton <br />Mr. Skinner stated that on a single track system there was no reason now for a turn- <br />around. He was concerned about groups gathering at the Civic Plaza proposed turn- <br />around. Mr. Skinner asked that Council spend as much time on the trolley as they have <br />on the driving range. <br /> <br />Tom Sullivan, 751 Syracuse <br />10 <br /> <br />