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<br /> <br />UNIVERSITY CITYCOUNCIL <br />STUDY SESSION <br />5th floor of City Hall <br />6801 Delmar <br />August 13, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br />th <br />The City Council Study Session was held in the Chambers, 5 floor of City Hall on August <br />13, 2012. Mayor Shelley Welsch called the Study Session to order at 5:33 p.m. In addition <br />to the Mayor Welsch, the following members of the Council were present: <br /> <br />Ms. Paulette Carr <br />Mr. Stephen Kraft <br />Mr. Terry Crow <br />Mr. Michael Glickert <br />Mr. Arthur Sharpe, Jr. <br />Mr. Byron Price <br /> <br />Also in attendance was City Manager Lehman Walker. <br /> <br />The Council Study Session was a continuation of Council Rules and Regulations. <br /> <br />Under agenda Questions/changes to Regular Council meeting agenda, Mr. Sharpe <br />requested to add an appointment of Holston Black, Jr. to be nominated for appointment to <br />the Pension Board. Mayor Welsch asked that all the Proclamations be moved to the end of <br />the agenda to flow into the reception following the presentations. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft had a question on agenda item of Parking Lot #4 submitted by Ms. Carr and Mr. <br />Crow. He asked “What’s to discuss?” <br /> <br />Ms. Carr stated she would like to discuss the motion that was made at the last Council <br />session for clarification. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft said that why not clarify it now if that was all it was and Ms. Carr said she could not <br />as she had a lot to cover in this study session. Mr. Kraft said presently would be a perfect <br />time since it was not like there would be a motion made. Ms. Carr stated that there may be a <br />motion. Mr. Kraft asked how a motion could be made on Parking lot #4 when there were <br />negotiations going on. Ms. Carr stated she was not going to discuss the negotiations but <br />rather the previous motion made. Mr. Kraft asked if the Council had a copy of that motion. <br />He asked if they were not going to discuss Parking Lot #4 but rather a previous motion and <br />inquired as to why it was not on the agenda that way. <br /> <br />Mr. Price stated that regardless if it is on the agenda or not he can bring this up under <br />Council comments. He told Mr. Kraft that he could continue to filibuster this but Mr. Price <br />stated he would just bring it up in Council comments. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr stated that any two members of Council can put something on the agenda. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft read from Ms. Carr’s note stating “Councilmember Price made the following motion <br />and it was seconded. Much discussion and several citizens’ statements followed this. When <br />the question was called and passed, the rereading of the motion as originally presented <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />