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Sessic~ 1656, Minutes <br />r~c~mber 11, 1995 <br /> <br />Page4 <br /> <br />ordered filed. <br /> <br />i~I~TC~ArI"TC~ OF ~AYOR MA~F~3S <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus said she met with fellow councl]m~m~=rs earlier tonight to ten- <br />der her resignation as Mayor of University City. She read a statement in <br />whic~ she explained that new opportunities will necessitate her moving f~-om <br /> <br />the finest group she bm.~ ever worked with, and she gave special thanks to Mr. <br />Adams for his advioe and assistance over the years. She also lauded City <br />Manager Frank Ollendorff and City Clerk Dolores Miller. She especially <br />praised the people of University City, addin~ their energy, c~u~,~tment and <br />investment in the City make it one of the most vibrant and successful c~mu- <br />nities in tb~ country. Mayor Majerus was given a standing ovation. <br /> <br />~RCTIC~ OF N~W ~AYOR <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer nominated Joseph L. Adams to serve as Mayor until the election <br />on April 2, 1996. Mr. COtton moved that nominations be closed. Mrs. Schuman <br />seoonded the motion, and all voted Aye. The nominee was declared elected. <br />Mr. Adams thanked his colleagues and noted that his former Oouncil seat in <br />the Secor~ Ward is now vacant. He thanked the councilmembers for their trust <br />in him and said he would do his best to make them proud. <br /> <br />PRFRRNTATION TO ~0~ MAYOR MAT~JS <br /> <br />Mayor ~ms said there is a lo~3standir~ tradition when a councilmember re- <br />signs or retires, and he asked former Mayor Majerus to ccme forward. He pre- <br />sented her with a lifetime pass for herself and her family to all University <br />City park facilities. <br /> <br />OATH OF OFFTOm. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams was given the oath of office by the City Clerk. Applause fol- <br />lowed. Mayor Adams said when he joined tb~ Council many years ago, he tried <br />to follow a ~ set by a former slave, Sojourner Truth. He said he also <br />would try to be a traveler for truth. There was more applause. Mayor Adams <br />then introduced his wife, Christine, who was in tb~ audience. <br /> <br />CITIZEN <br /> <br />Ms. Robin LeVan, University City Loop Special Business District administra- <br />tor, congratulated Mayor A~ms. She said she was advised to come before the <br />Council to request a resolution that will bmlp the District aocess funds <br />the Missouri Division of Tourism. She said a suocessful grant application to <br />the Tourism Division should result in doubling the Business District's adver- <br />tising budget, but for that to happen, the District must be named a Designat- <br />ed Marketing Organization by resolution of the City Council. <br /> <br /> <br />