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Session 1653, N/zafce~ <br />October23, 1995 <br /> <br />Page4 <br /> <br />Downing Sales and Service (Bid 2) $148,913 $27,000 $270,826 <br />Downing Sales and Service (Bid 3) 142,442 27,000 257,884 <br />Downin~Sales and Service (Bid 4) 148,047, 148,047 <br />Downing Sales and Service (Bid 5) 121,248' 141,248 <br />Key Equip~Rtar~Su~plyOo. (Bid 1) 139,426 17,000 261,852 <br />NeyEqui~_ntar~SupplyCo. (Bid 2) 140,332, 140,332 <br />Key~,~ntandSupplyCo. (Bid 3) 142,132, 142,132 <br />Key Equip~_ntandSupplyCo. (Bid 4) 135,245, 135,245 <br /> <br />*Demo or only one truck available. <br /> <br />Due to its inconvenient location for service (Springfield, ~D) and long de- <br />livery (150 da~s or more), Downing is not r~c~,me~. Key Equipment can <br />provide a demo unit (Bid 2) meetin~ essential specifications within 30-45 <br />days. The r~onmm~ndation is to purcb~-~e this unit and Bid 4 (anticipated de- <br />livery 60-90 daFs) for a total cost of $258,577. <br /> <br />I~3BLIC HF2tRING - E~MAR LOOP SIGNS <br /> <br />The City Manager said a public b~m~ring was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. this date <br />and place to heer c~ments on proposed amendments to the Zoning Code dealing <br />with signs for certain Delmar Loop bus/nesses. Following the public hearing, <br />a bill may be i~ffroduoed to allow signs at the first floor entryway for busi- <br />nesses above or below the ground floor, or at the exterior second floor entry <br />for a second fl~or business. The Plan O~m~-~ion rec~,,.~=nds approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus o~ the public b~aring at 7:42 p.m. No member of the public <br />a-~k~ to speak, however, Councilmember ~ noted the Board of Directors <br />of the University City Loop Special Business District reviewed the proposed <br />changes and found no objection. Mayor Majerus closed the public hearing at <br />7:43 p.m. <br /> <br />SPECIAL ~JSINESS TAXING DISTRICT - PARKVIEW GARDENS <br /> <br />The City Manager said the city received a petition signed by 12 Parkview Gar- <br />~ns property owners whic~ re~aested the est~h~lishment of a special business <br />district. He ~_~__~d_ that the City's legal staff review the request and <br />advise as to appropriate procedures to be followed. Formation of suc~ a dis- <br />trict wuuld result in increased revenue bec~ available for improvements <br />and servioes to the neighborhood being ta~d. State law requires that a vote <br />be taken in the affected area. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoc~er asked that the appropriate steps be taken to initiate this mea- <br />sure, including the required vote. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sc~uman asked why the property owners were pur~ this alternative ra- <br />tbmr than Neighborhood Improvement District legislation. Mayor Majerus said <br />it was her understand/n~ that the option chosen would be more beneficial to <br />the r~s of the Parkview Gardens area. <br /> <br /> <br />