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Sessic~ 1653, N/nutes Page 8 <br />October 23, 1995 <br /> <br />everyc~ involved, and was impressed with the spirit of cooperation. She <br />moved app~uv-ul with the conditi~s stated above by Mr. Ollendorff. Mr. Wag- <br />her secormk~ the motion, adding he felt there were strong controls regarding <br /> <br />will make a strong effort to cc~ply with the conditions and the contract. <br /> <br />All voted Aye. <br /> <br />MS. Sharc~ Dorsey, 7163 Prinoe~, (~2at,t~./T~ on the item removed frcmu the <br />agenda--site plan to add massage therapy at Rezults Salon. MS. Dorsey said <br />massage therapy was beneficial, hc~ver, Council should keep in mind that <br />this location is next to a residential area. She said there already have <br />been parking prubl~s with the current business. She asked Council to con- <br />sider these drawbacks when this totter is put back on the agenda. <br /> <br />The Police Department report for tb~ month of September, 1995, was received <br />and ordered filed. <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending October 14, 1995, was received and <br />ord~d filed. Mayor Majerus asked Mr. Ollendorff to find out why the_re <br />so many more ten~o~ employees last year than this year. <br /> <br />RTT,'r,q ~ SRC~ AND T~qq~D I~FADTNGS <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8225 - AMENDING ~ 34 MUNICIPAL CODE BY (]~ANGING THE CLASSIFI- <br />CATI~ OF CEREA~N PROPERtY AT OR NEAR 1000 ~VANIA FRC~ "PRO" PIANNED <br />RESIE~T/AL-OFFICE TO "GC" G~ERAL C[~9~CI3kL, AS SET FORPH IN SECTION 34-9 <br />OF THE UNIVERSIT~ cr~ ZON~G CODE. <br />Consi_de~ation of Bill No. 8225 was again postponed. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8254 - Pd~qEWING AN EXISTING FRANCHISE AND GRANTING FOR A PERIOD OF <br />TEN YEARS TO LAC~..R~F. GAS OC~PANY THE AUDDRITY TO OPERATE IN UNIVERSITY CITY <br />FOR THE I~JRPO~E OF DISTRIBEri~NG GAS FOR VARIOUS USES, PRESC~/BING ~ TERMS <br /> <br />T~S LACr~nR GAS ~ANY SHATL, ~ SIXTY DAYS AFTER THE ENA~ OF THIS <br />ORDINANCE. FILE WITH THE CITY AN ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ORDINANCE. <br />Mayor Majerus said it was necessary to repeat second and third readings of <br />this bill, since thirty days were supposed to have elapsed between introduc- <br /> <br />Bill No. 8254 was given its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8254 was given its third reading. <br /> <br /> <br />