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Sessic~ 1653, ~ <br />October 23, 1995 <br /> <br />Page7 <br /> <br />probably wuuld not harm the neighborhood, althx~gh a one and one-half story <br />would be more ~esirable. <br /> <br />All voted Aye. <br /> <br />SITE PLAN- 560 TRINITY <br /> <br />The City Manager re~.,,,~nded disapproval of authorizatic~ to permit church <br />services at 560 Trinity (St. Louis Sy~ Music School) because staff anal- <br />ysis indicates off-street parking is inadequate and will impact the availa- <br />bility of parking for existing churches in the area. However, he was advised <br />that a propoeal would be presented tonight to show that off-site parking will <br />be made available. He felt approval should be given only if it seems there <br />will be no parking probl~n, and only on a trial basis, with provision for <br />cancellation if problems arise. M~ suggested imposing the following condi- <br />tions: church use is limited to Sunday mornings only; applicant provides <br />agreement to discontinue church use within 14 days if City determines parking <br />problem exists; no increase in number of, or size of, signs on premises; and <br />approval to be granted on 12 month basis and extended only by City Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Ari Bai, 6656 Ki~3sbury, Ames Place agent, said this neighborhood bears <br />the brunt of parking for ~ony events, and adding another activity on Sun- <br />day morn/rig puts a terrible burden on the area. He said members attending <br />services at the School parked throughout the neighborhood, and residents <br />oould not find a place to park. Neighbors are distressed by this proposal <br />and wish to remind Council that there are already three churches in close <br />proximity to the School. In future, he said Ames Place will vigorously en- <br />foroe its parking restrictions. <br /> <br />Mr. Ge~e Dobbs Bradford, 560 Trinity, said tb~ ~ny is workir~ to correct <br />tb~ problem. After entering into a four-week agreement with tb~ Church of <br />Christ, the Sym~-y discovered not only the parking problem but also that <br />site plan approval must be obtained. Representatives met with the ministers <br />of the churches involved and other interested parties, and presented a plan <br />that provides for member parking in the Commerce Bank lot (with permission) <br />and the municipal lots on Delmar. Neighborhood representatives have said <br />they have not received any complaints since these changes were made, but ex- <br />pressed concern that in inclement weather members may not wish to park so far <br />away. Mr. Bradford read a contract that confirms the parking arrangements <br />between the Symghony Music School and the Church of Christ, and states that <br />the contract will be terminated if church members do not follow its terms. <br />He believes members will abide by the contract, adding he would not be ur~_er- <br />taking a site plan application if he did not have confidence the church will <br />comply. F~ said the neighboring churches indicated they would support the <br />parking plan with the conditions proposed by the City. <br /> <br />Mr. Mike Kniffin, 208 Spring Oaks, Ballwin, said to meet skepticism that may <br />remain, a shuttle will run f~-c~, the lots to the Music School, and a valet <br />parking system was also being considered. He said t/he church wants to comply <br />with the contract so it can continue to use the Music School for services. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman said she attended the first meeting with representatives from <br /> <br /> <br />