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Sessic~ 1653, N/r~Wces Page 6 <br />October 23, 1995 <br /> <br />M~. ~ moved to amend the motion by adding $2,000 to Northeast Polioe <br />and reducing Parkview Gardens Polioe by $2,000. There was no second. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman said she agreed with the rec~.,,,~nded allocations, addin~ that <br />the amount for Northeast Polioe was not entirely spent last year. She drew <br />attention to the Elderly Housin~ P~x3~am, noting that she asked last year for <br />more informati~ on services provided to University city residents; if it is <br />found that the money would be better allocated elsewb~, she would like it <br />to go to either of the Police programs. <br /> <br />Mrs. ~m~son felt the disparity between the two police programs was unfair. <br />Mayor Majerus said before chan~in~ the City Manager's recc,,~endations, she <br /> <br />Gardens for the past year; Council can then decide if c/manges sbx~ld be made. <br /> <br />All voted Aye e~oept Mrs. T~, wbm voted Nay. <br /> <br />SITE PLAN - 311 ~ <br /> <br />The City Manage~ ~nded approval of a site plan for a two-story hc~e at <br />311 Crandon. Although substantially larger than some of the neighboring <br />houses, it does not appear unreasonable or injurious to the area. <br /> <br />Ms. Ruth Marion, 343 N. Forsyth, asked how much larger the proposed home is <br />than other homes in the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Director of Plamn/ng Al Goldman said the proposed home will be about the same <br />as neighboring homes in terms of ground occupied; there are other troD-story <br />bx~es in the vicinity; and its location on a corner led to the conclusion <br />that it would n~t have an adverse effect on the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Randy Freeman, 301 Crandon, said all hc~es in the subdivision are brick <br />and he wished t~ be oertain the new home at least ba~ a brick frontage. He <br />was concerned that the hume will be taller than his own next door, and since <br /> <br />age. Mr. Goldman said tb~ review was limited to height and mass considera- <br />tions, not architectural details, and it appeared the house has siding, not <br />brick. He suggested that Mr. Freeman talk with the developer. <br /> <br />~he developer, Mr. Mark Manlin, Manco Bu/ld~rs, said it will be a white frame <br />house with siding. ~ to Mr. Schoc~er, he said the home entranoe <br />will be at grade. Mr. Manlin showed the plans to Mr. Freeman. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner ~ke4 about drainage. Mr. Goldman said drainage plans have not <br />been submi~ at this point, but he felt the sloping ground indicates the <br />drainage will c~ntinue as it has been; if there is an existing problem he <br />could not say if it will dmange in any way. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner moved approval, and Mr. Ad__m_ms seconded the motion. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman said a two-story structure on this corner will be noticeable but <br /> <br /> <br />