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Session 1649, Minutes <br />August 21, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />all conditions, however, the owner has nc~ asked__ Gouncil to delete any condi- <br />tion that closes, even partially, the driveway on De/mar. Mr. Ollendorff <br />reo,,m~ ___-~d___ at minimum that left turns not be allowed from the parking lot <br /> <br />Mr. James Paster, atto~ representing owner Fred W. Ahlemeier, said that <br />Walgreen's, the major tenant in the shopping center where the catering ser- <br />vice will be located, has a clause in its lease with Ahlemeier that precludes <br /> <br />tering service will be active mostly in the evening, when traffic on Delmar <br />is lighter. He asked that the Delmar access not be restricted. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked if Mr. Ahlemeier would accept a condition restricting left <br />turns only frum the parking lot. Mr. Paster said the Walgreen's lease does <br /> <br />~ponding to Mayor Majerus, Mr. Paster said Mr. Ahlemeier had not spoken to <br />Walgreen's, but b~ was certain they would not agree to a change in the lease. <br />Mayor Majerus suggested that they talk with Walgreen's and then cc~e back to <br />tb~ next meeting with an answer. Mr. Paster agreed, but asked if Council <br />w~uld give tentative approval to removing the condition if Walgreen's refuses <br />to reconsider. Mayor Majerus said Council could not do that until it knows <br />what Walgreen' s answer is. <br /> <br />Mr. Fred Ahlemeier, 8515 Delmar, said he had discussed this matter with Wal- <br />green's and their lawyers refused to consider altering the lease in any way. <br />He felt they w~uld close the store if a c/mange was made in tb~ parking lot. <br />He blamed ~uch of the traffic problem on tb~ Schnuck's access road. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman suggested it would be in Walgreen's best interest if it allowed <br />Mr. Ablemeier to make ~ charges in the lot; in addition, their location at <br />the north end of the complex should not be affected by closing or restricting <br />aocess at the south end. <br /> <br />Mr. David Schwartz, 5 Sheraton Drive, the prospective tenant, said according <br />to Walgreen's lease, tb~ entire parking lot at the shopping center will be <br />redone. Mrs. Schuman _~ if tb~ plan includes improving the safety of the <br />Delmar entrance. Mr. Schwartz said the plan was approved before he came into <br />the picture, and it shows no ~hanges in the exits or entrances. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer was reluctant to put the City in the position of keeping a busi- <br />ness frc~ opening and putting a hardship on the lot owner. He moved to amend <br />the original site plan by str'Lking the condition that required closing the <br />Delmar curb cut. Mr. Wagner seconded the motion. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman said she could not support the motion because of th~ heavy traf- <br />fic volume at this site. She said when Schnuck's opened, Mr. Ahlemeier was <br />one of tb~se who did not want any restrictions on turns at that intersection, <br />so he cannot blame the City for the excess traffic there. She said Council <br />now has an opportunity to improve a dangerous intersection. <br /> <br />All voted Aye ew~ Oouncilmembers Schuman and ThOmpson, who voted Nay. <br /> <br /> <br />