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Session 1646, Mir~rtes <br />July 10, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />The city Manager asked_ Council to approve adding the following item to the <br />agenda. Mr. Adams so moved, secoDd_ed by Mr. Schocmer. All voted Aye. <br /> <br />Th~ City Manager said there were two bids frc~ highly qualified companies to <br />replicate the lighting fixtures on the lion gates. The architect estimated <br />that the cost might be as high as $12,000. Bids were as follows: <br /> <br />The Original Cast Lighting, Inc. <br />St. Louis Antique Lighting Company <br /> <br />$ 8,700.00 <br />$10,500.00 <br /> <br />Aco~ofthe lowbid of $8,700 frc~TneOriginal Cast Lighting, Inc. was <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending July 1, 1995, was received and or- <br />dered filed. <br /> <br />CrrIZEN COMMENTS <br /> <br />Ms. Ramona Sykes, 1464 Sheridan Drive, said she was speaking for residents of <br />Kemplar~ and Fullerton, who want the vegetation near the creek in that area <br />trimmed. She said onc~ traffic ~ be seen fL-u~, driveways because of <br /> <br />RTT,T.q FOR SPO3~ AND T'B'~D I~F3~nTNC-,S <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8225 - AMENDING C~%PTER 34 ~3NICIPAL OODE BY C~ANGINGTHE CIASSIFI- <br />CATION OF CERTAIN P~OPERI~ AT OR NEAR 1000 PENNSYLVANIA FRC~ "PRO" PIANNED <br />RESIDENTIAL-OFFICE TO "GC" GENERAL CC~94ERCIAL, AS SET FORi~ IN SECTION 34-9 <br />OF THEUNIVE~S~TYCITYZONINGOODE. <br />Consideration of Bill No. 8225was again postponed. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8243 - AM~qDING (~{~=~ER 25~3NICIPAL(I)DE~k~ATINGTOR~TI~]~TAND <br />P~I~ BY R~AT.TNG SECTION 25-18 AND ~ALTING IN T.T'a'%T~F A NAW SEC- <br />TION TO ME ~ AS "S~TION 25-18. RE~JCTION OF ~'I'IS--ADo-U~ FOR <br /> <br />Bill No. 8243 was given its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8243 was given its third read~ng. <br /> <br />Scbxxa~er, Thc~pson, and Mayor Majerus. NAYS: None. Bill No. 8243 became <br />OrdinanceNo. 6027. <br /> <br />BILLNO. 8244 -AUTHORIZINGUNIVERSIR~CITYTOENTERINTOACIANTRACTWITHTHE <br /> <br /> <br />