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Session 1644, Minutes <br />June 12, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Mr. Oll _er~o__rff rea~ a letter frc~ tb~ board of the Fair in the Square whic~ <br />expressed appreciation for the City's support of the Fair's 25th anniversary <br />and its cooperation when last minute changes and relocation of sc~e activi- <br />ties became rmo=~y due to tb~ St. Louis Syn~ny Music School's withdrawal <br />of part of its facilities. The letter also lauded the Police Department and <br />Sgt. Marguard for invaluable help before, during, and after the Fair. The <br />letter also thanked all employees involved in this endeavor, with particular <br />grati_~__~e__ to Maryanne Dersob and Doris Lowe. <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending June 3, 1995, was received and or- <br />dered filed. <br /> <br />BIT.T,~ FOR SRO~. AND THTRD RFaDTNGS <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8225 - AM~qDING C~L%PI~R 34 ~3NICIPAL CODE BY C~ANGING THE CLASSIFI- <br />CATION OF CERPAIN PROPERtY AT OR NEAR 1000 PENNSYLVANIA FRC~ "PRO" PIANNED <br />RESIE~3tL-OFFICE TO "GC" Gf~ERAL ~, AS SET PORI~ IN SECTION 34-9 <br />OF THE UNIVERSITY CITY ZONING CODE. <br />Consideration of Bill No. 8225 was again postponed. <br /> <br />BILLNO. 8230 - PRDVIDINGFORTHEREIMf~RS~OF~CITYOFFICIALS FOR <br />EXP~gSES INCIIR~ED BY THe4 IN OPERATING THEIR OWN ~BIT~ ON CTIY ~3SI- <br />NESS; REPEAT.TNGORDINANCENO. 5848. <br />Bill No. 8230wasgiven its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8230 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />call vote was as follc~s: AYES: Oounci~ Ad_~_ms, Wagner, Schuman, <br />Schoc~er, Tncm~o~on, and Mayor Majerus. NAYS: None. ABSf~T: Councilmember <br />Cotton. Bill No. 8230 became Ordinance No. 6014. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8231 -AMENDING (/4AP1]~ 25 MUNICIPAL CODE ~RrATING TO REi'~TAND <br />PENSIONS BY R]~nT..AT.'!'NG SECTION 25-43, AND ~ IN LI~JTHER~0F A NEWS~C- <br />TIONTO~EKNO~AS "SECTION25-43. NO~MALSERVICEP~!~/~}~F£." <br />Bill NO. 8231 was given its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8231was given its third reading. <br /> <br />votewas as follows: AYES: CouncilWagner, Sc~uman, ~, Thcm~- <br />so~, Adams, andMayorMajerus. NAYS: None. ABSf~T: Councilmember Cotton. <br />Bill No. 8231becameOrdinanceNo. 6015. <br /> <br />BTT,T,C::: FOR TNTROF~1CTTON <br /> <br />BILLNO. 8232 - ORDERING THE LEVY AND FIXING THE RATE OFTAXES IN UNIVERSITY <br />CITY FOR 1995-96, TO PRDVIDE FOR GENERAL REVENUE, FOR A FREE PUBLIC T.Tf~ARY, <br /> <br /> <br />