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6. <br />Authorization of City Attorney’s contract to Kathryn Forster from Crotzer & Ormsby. <br />Mr. Crow moved for approval and was seconded by Mr. Sharpe. <br /> <br />Mr. Walker introduced Ms. Kathryn Forster and asked if Council had any questions of <br />her. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr asked Mr. Walker for some kind of guarantee that Ms. Forster is the City <br />Attorney and in the event that she would leave the firm of Crotzer & Ormsby that she <br />would still be the City Attorney and Crotzer & Ormsby would not take over. <br /> <br />Mr. Walker stated that was correct. <br /> <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Tom Sullivan, 751 Syracuse <br />Mr. Sullivan had several questions about the City Attorney’s appointment. He noted <br />the agenda had authorization of City Attorney’s contract and how would anyone <br />know who that was. He said the other question was the relationship between the <br />City and Crotzer & Ormsby. He stated that according to a memo from the City <br />Manager, Ms. Forster is to be the City Attorney but is not specifically mentioned in <br />the contract. Mr. Sullivan noted Mr. Walker had previously hired the firm of Crotzer & <br />Ormsby for legal work. He said in 2011 Crotzer & Ormsby was hired to provide <br />prosecution services for the City and at that time had been questioned by Mr. Crow. <br />Mr. Sullivan said in his research there had been association between Cindy Ormsby <br />and previous Councilmember Lynn Ricci and Ormsby had made a $500 contribution <br />to Ms. Ricci’s campaign committee. When he questioned this he stated everyone <br />refused to talk. Mr. Sullivan also did not like Ms. Forster’s connection with Citizens <br />for Modern Transit. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr asked Mr. Walker about the contract stating it is with the attorneys of <br />Crotzer & Ormsby and asked that Ms. Forster’s name be added. Mr. Walker stated <br />that he would see that the contract is very clear that Ms. Forster is the City Attorney. <br /> <br />The vote to approve the authorization of a City Attorney contract to Ms. Forster <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />7. <br />Construction of a mock roundabout at Delmar and Trinity granting authority to City <br />Manager to spend up to $67,000. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr moved to approve the mock roundabout at a cost not to exceed $67,000 <br />and was seconded by Mr. Kraft. <br /> <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Donna Marin, 7445 Wellington <br />Ms. Marin objected to the construction of the mock roundabout. She thought the <br />maximum cost was excessive in these economic times. Ms. Marin thought the timing <br />of the assessment would be wasted as it would not reflect Washington University <br />students not being in town; no school buses in summer; and a need to add a mock <br />trolley to see how the traffic would be affected. <br /> <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />