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Sessic~ 1626, Mj/1ut~ Page 4 <br />Se~dcember 12, 1994 <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />OONDJ,'.L'J,~ USE ~ - 8202 <br /> <br />Ihe City Manager ~ with the Plan n~,~,,|~icn re~_-r,!~ndaticel to <br />a conditional use ~nt allowin~ ~ Israel to expand into an adjacent <br />portion of the building they occupy, with these conditions: <br /> <br /> f~cts and dated 8-3-94, plus a commcting ~t space as shown on the <br /> drawing prepared by Alvah M. Levine, P.C. dated 8/10/89. Any enlargement <br /> or addition to these spaces must fi~ be reviewed by the Plan 6kaM,,~-~Sion <br /> <br /> tional use permit. <br />2. Ihe exterior work on the front of the new ~aa~tion and any revisiels to <br /> the front entrance for the existing facility shall match the store frunt <br /> work on the existing facility, including the use of blinds or drapery on <br /> the windows. <br />3. Because of limited parkir~, the ~-~uance of this permit is based on the <br /> <br /> the adequacy of the av~]able off-street parking is reviewed by the Plan <br /> Ch~assion and apprDved by the City C~mcil as a further ~ of <br /> this Conditional Use Permit. <br /> <br />CONDrr£flqAL USE yzaefIT - 8237 OLIVE <br /> <br />Ihe City Manager ~ approval of a carry-out restaurant at 8237 Olive <br />with tba following conditions ~reo_l~alded by the Plan ChLmiSSion: <br /> <br />1. Signs ~,~t conform in all respects with the provisions of the University <br /> City Sign Code. <br />2. The restaurant operator shall regularly police the site and area adjacent <br /> <br />3. Trash containers for patrein use shall be available on the premises at all <br /> times. <br />4. ~equate refuse disposal shall be provia~a by and for the business. <br /> <br /> any food preparation odors or cooking odors frcm being perceptible beyond <br /> the lot lines of the pruperty on which the restaurant is locat~_. <br />6. Hours of operation for tba business shall be limited to the hours between <br /> 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to Midnight Friday <br /> and Saturday. <br />7. Any container or facility for refuse shall be located behind the building <br /> c~1 the p~ases and shall not be placed in any of the parking stalls that <br /> <br /> <br />