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O <br /> <br />Sessi~l 1623, Mim/tes <br />August 11, 1994 <br /> <br />Page2 <br /> <br />Mr. Oottc~ as~a if it might not be bet~ to find a ~]1 ~ctor to make <br />the necessary modifications to the cashier's booth. Mr. Ollendorff said <br />there are skilled people in the Park De/3aktaent who can do this work, but if <br />the staff gets behind, sceeem could be kIouc3~t in. <br /> <br />All vo~a Aye. <br /> <br />· MPs. 'l'~'i,~,sel arrived at this tlm~. <br /> <br />Mr. Ollerrbrff said agreemmnt was reached with the firefi~ters, and an ~- <br />gency pay bill provides a 3% pay inurease retroactive to July 1, 1994. <br /> <br />BIll. NO. 8193 - F]DfING ~E (3C~u-za~TIC~ TO R~. PAID <br />v'm'l~ ~ ~ ~'r~ ~ 29. 1994; ~ <br />A Mll ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~i~: <br /> <br />D~_NCE NO. 5922, AND CC~q]I~/NING AN BMB~f~NCY CLA//5~." <br /> <br />The bill was assigned No. 8193 and given its first r~ding. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8193 ~as given its ~ r~ading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8193 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Cotton, ~, Schuman, Scho~-v, Tnc~3scel, and Mayor Majerus. NAYS: None. <br />ABSBNE: Councilmember Wagner. Bill No. 8193 bec~ame Ord/nance No. 5978. <br /> <br />The City Manager said there are also two meno~ of ura_e~tanding which <br />Council my aE~rove. He briefly ea~lained the few dlarr/es in the memDrand~ms <br />since last year. <br /> <br />Fur. Cotton moved apprxT~al of the firefig~lters' Memm)rarrlum of U~a~sta~a~ng. <br />Mrs. Scbman ~ the m~tic~, which carried unaD{m~]sly. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer moved approv-ul of the M~m~randum of Una~r~tanding for the fire <br />captail3s. Mr. Ada~s seco~ded the~otice~, arrl all voted Aye. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus adjourne~ the meeting at 5:18 p.m. <br /> <br />Dolores A. Miller <br />city Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />