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2013-10-14 Reg
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City Council Minutes
2013-10-14 Reg
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<br />3. <br />The minutes of September 30, 2013, City Council Special Session were moved for <br />approval by Mr. Sharpe, seconded by Mr. Crow and the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />F. APPOINTMENTS <br />1. <br />Tom Sontag was nominated to be appointed to the Urban Forestry Committee by Ms. <br />Carr, seconded by Mr. Sharpe and the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />2. <br />Sue Ann Slater was nominated to be appointed to the Senior Commission by Mayor <br />Welsch, seconded by Mr. Glickert and the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />3. <br />Bijal Desai-Ramirez was nominated to be appointed to the Youth Commission by Mayor <br />Welsch, seconded by Mr. Sharpe and the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4. <br />Mayor Welsch announced that she had not received the application submitted by Mr. <br />Sloan Marion for the Youth Commission in enough time to make it onto this agenda and <br />therefore it would be held over until the next meeting. <br /> <br />G. SWEARING IN <br />1. <br />Zachary Dean was sworn in to the CALOP Commission. <br /> <br />2. <br />Jacques Darvis was sworn in to the Board of Appeals in the City Clerk’s office <br /> <br />H. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (Total of 15 minutes allowed) <br />Jackie Womack, 7300 Ahren <br /> <br />Mr. Womack stated that he had received a good book from the Mayor on diversity and <br />racism and encouraged everyone to read it. He stated that although he understands that <br />everyone has certain prejudices that they don’t want to talk about because they show our <br />true feelings, we need to call a truce and at least get together and talk about the issues <br />here in U City. <br /> <br />Matthew Chase, 936 Wild Cherry <br />Mr. Chase stated that the pedestrian crosswalks in UCity have been a problem for a long <br />time, especially on Fridays and Saturdays when he and others are out in observance of <br />th <br />Jewish Holidays. Mr. Chase stated that he was arrested on September 20 because a car <br />accelerated towards him and his 12-year-old son when they were halfway through a North <br />& South crosswalk. He stated that he was cited for Disturbing the Peace and yet the driver <br />was only cited for Failure to Yield, which in his opinion should be upgraded to Attempted <br />Homicide. Mr. Chase stated that he was arrested because the driver claimed that he pulled <br />a gun on her, in spite of the fact that he had numerous witnesses to collaborate the fact that <br />he did not. The driver claimed the diamond sign with a little stick figure of a guy walking <br />across the street did not mean she had to stop. He stated that he did inform the officer that <br />he had thumped the woman’s car and cleared his jacket to display his gun, which he has a <br />license to carry, because he had no idea who was getting out of the car. However the <br />police officer decided that because the witnesses were Jews they must have been his <br />friends and therefore could not be trusted. He said the bottom line was the situation was <br />handled badly and probably would not have occurred if the City had better enforcement <br />procedures and stricter fines. Mr. Chase suggested that additional lights, better signage or <br />even plastic signs similar to the ones located at the crosswalk in front of City Hall be <br />implemented to improve visibility, especially at crosswalks by the synagogues at Center <br />and Delmar, which is a blind-faith crossing. <br /> <br />Michael Berg, 4325 Bingham; Missouri Sierra Club <br />Mr. Berg stated that he represented the Missouri Sierra Club and its 300 members who live <br />in UCity who are in support of Bill 9205, which is being proposed to upgrade the Energy <br />Efficiency Codes for new residential and commercial buildings from the current 2006 IECC <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />
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