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on this issue would take place. Mr. Price suggested that it be discussed during a Study <br />, <br />Session on January 13,2014. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert then asked Mr. Walker if a Study Session had already been planned for <br />th <br />January the 13. Mr. Walker stated that his understanding was that the Study Session <br />on the thirteenth would be utilized to allow Council to continue their discussions on the <br />Capital Improvement Budget. Mr. Glickert stated that that was also his understanding <br />since Council had agreed to extend the time for discussion on this matter. He then <br />questioned whether there would be enough time during this session to discuss both <br />issues? <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch stated that based on the amount of time that was needed to complete their <br />discussions on the CIP, she would suggest that a Study Session to discuss Resolution <br />2013-21 be scheduled for December 16, 2013, following their session with the auditor. <br />Mayor Welsch stated that for clarification purposes she would like to inform members of <br />the audience that this Resolution had been posted on the agenda correctly. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe stated that he would be willing to afford his colleague with the opportunity to <br />discuss this matter further. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr stated for further clarification, Mr. Price was asking that this item be postponed <br />to allow time for discussion because several Council members had known nothing about <br />this Resolution until it was placed on tonight’s agenda. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert asked whether everyone was in accord to meet and discuss this matter on <br />, <br />Monday, December 162013. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch suggested that Mr. Glickert move to postpone consideration of this <br />Resolution until the next Council Meeting on January 13, 2014, with the understanding <br />, <br />that a Study Session would be conducted on Monday, December 162013, following the <br />auditors’ presentation. <br /> <br />Mr. Price informed the Mayor that a motion had already been made and seconded. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert asked Mr. Price if he would repeat his motion. Mr. Price stated that his <br />motion was to postpone the Resolution until January 13, 2014. He stated that he would <br />also be willing to conduct a Study Session for this item on Monday, December 16, 2013, <br />as long as it could be discussed prior to the Study Session with the auditor. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked Mr. Walker if a designated time had already been scheduled for the <br />Study Session with the auditors. Mr. Price suggested that Mr. Walker contact the <br />auditors and change the time. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch stated that while she would defer the scheduling of the meeting with the <br />auditors to Mr. Walker, by law the audit of UCity must be presented by the end of the <br />month and therefore should be carried-out as scheduled. She stated that in her opinion, <br />any discussion on the resolution would not lead to a firm end-time, although the session <br />with the auditors typically only takes about 50 minutes. Mayor Welsch stated that if <br />Council is willing to say that their discussions would lead to a firm end-time, then she <br />would be amenable to asking Mr. Walker to change the time, but her belief is that Council <br />2 <br /> <br />