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<br />stated that she had also been told that one of the issues related to snow removal is that cars <br />line both sides of the street making it difficult to plow. However her mantra has always been <br />that people should park their cars in the driveway and not on the streets. Ms. Borg <br />suggested adding one dollar to the refuse bill to bring in additional income that could be used <br />as a slush fund during the years where snow removal exceeds the City’s normal <br />expenditures. Ms. Borg stated that her use of a cane today is the result of falling on the <br />Sweet Gum balls in her driveway. She stated that while the tree sits on her neighbor’s <br />property the branches overhang her driveway and has caused her, as well as her visitors to <br />trip on numerous occasions. Ms. Borg stated that the tree, which belongs to the City, is a <br />hazard, a menace, and therefore she is requesting that it be removed. <br /> <br />Charlene Marks, 831 Westgate Avenue <br />Ms. Marks stated that she would like to see the word handicap stricken from the UCity <br />ordinances and replaced with the word disabled. She stated that the word handicap is a <br />derogatory term to the disabled community that goes back to the days when the disabled <br />were allowed to beg on the street corners with their cap in-hand - handicap. <br /> <br />Ms. Marks stated that her second issue is the fact that the City does not have an ordinance <br />requiring the removal of snow from apartments that house the disabled. Therefore every time <br />it snows her management company feels no obligation to remove the snow from the ramps <br />that allow for a safe escape from the building. Ms. Marks asked that such an ordinance be <br />established, to include a fine for noncompliance, so that landlords would be motivated to <br />meet their obligations. Ms. Marks stated that she had been a speaker at the Human <br />Relations Commission meeting in order to address the wording on their website. She stated <br />that although it is in their Charter, the website does not include language pertaining to sexual <br />orientation and gender identity. Ms. Marks stated that City Manager Walker had also been in <br />attendance and during a conversation with him she mentioned the fact that she was trans <br />and all of a sudden their conversation stopped and Mr. Walker walked away. She stated that <br />following that incident she called Mr. Walker’s office to ask for help and she has yet to receive <br />a return phone call. Ms. Marks stated it is her belief that some form of discrimination was <br />involved in these actions due to the fact that she is transgender. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Ms. Carr stated that one of the things that she noticed in fielding many of the phone calls and <br />emails that she received is that the City does not have a policy for the removal of snow on <br />sidewalks. She stated that someone had also forwarded the ordinances from Clayton, <br />Richmond Heights and the City of St. Louis which address this issue. She stated that she <br />believes that it would make sense for the City to address this issue in order to ensure that our <br />children are not standing in the middle of the street and that those who are disabled have the <br />necessary access. Ms. Carr stated that her hope is that the City institutes an ordinance for <br />the removal of snow on sidewalks in the very near future. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked Ms. Carr if she had shared the ordinances with the City Manager. Ms. <br />Carr stated that she would be happy to do so. <br /> <br />L. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS/BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />Boards and Commission appointments needed <br />Mayor Welsch read the appointments and reappointments needed. <br />2. <br /> <br />Council liaison reports on Boards and Commissions <br />3. <br /> <br />Boards, Commissions and Task Force minutes <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated that recently he attended the Urban Forestry meeting and while one would <br />think that there would not be anything going on at this meeting in January, he believed that <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />