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2014-01-13 Reg
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City Council Minutes
2014-01-13 Reg
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Last modified
2/13/2014 12:17:51 PM
Creation date
2/13/2014 12:17:49 PM
Council Meeting
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<br /> <br />Mr. Glickert moved to approve and was seconded by Mr. Price. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked Mr. Walker the following questions: (1) the number residential properties <br />that are in close proximity to this establishment and (2) whether this is the only <br />establishment in this vicinity that is open until 1 a.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Walker stated that he was not sure that he could answer those questions for him at <br />this time, although this business is located in a shopping center. Mr. Crow asked if it was <br />in the southern portion of Olive. Mr. Walker stated that it was. He stated that he did not <br />think that this business would impact any residents because it is located in the middle of <br />that southern area where there are no residential properties. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert informed Mr. Crow that there was a creek that separated residential from <br />commercial. <br /> <br />Voice vote on Mr. Glickert’s motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4. <br />Liquor license for Walgreens, 8390 Delmar Blvd – intoxicating liquor of all kinds by the <br />package, including Sunday sales. <br /> <br />Mr. Price moved to approve, seconded by Ms. Carr. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked Mr. Walker whether the license could be transferred from the old <br />location versus the issuance of a new license. Mr. Walker stated that there is going to be <br />a timing issue with respect to Walgreens moving from its current location to the new <br />location and the new license essentially covers that gap. <br /> <br />Voice vote on Mr. Price’s motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />5. <br />Snow Removal Informational Report. <br /> <br />Mr. Walker stated that there was a significant amount of snowfall that was virtually <br />unprecedented and this report indicates how the City dealt with this situation. He stated <br />that he had also advised Council that the City will be reviewing their snow removal policy. <br /> <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Edward McCarthy, 7101 Princeton Avenue <br />Mr. McCarthy stated that the plowing of his street was actually paid for by his neighborhood, <br />but in the future he would like to have his street snowplowed by the City. <br /> <br />Mr. McCarthy stated that there is an election coming up in April and it would cost very little to <br />add an increase in pay of $15,000 for members of City Council. He stated that if only the rich <br />can run for this office, then that is unfair, so these positions should be modified in some way <br />that makes them appealing to the masses and not to just a few. Mr. McCarty stated that <br />based on the salaries in other cities, UCity’s salary seems to be a lot smaller. So if his <br />suggestion is placed on the ballot he would be happy to do the campaigning for its passage. <br /> <br />Rosalyn Borg, 7820 Cornell <br />Ms. Borg stated that although she has already addressed the issue of snow removal with her <br />two members of Council, as well as the Mayor and Mr. Walker, she believes that last week’s <br />snow certainly demonstrates the need for a review of the City’s policy. She stated that if the <br />7700 and 7800 blocks of Cornell were plowed, no one would have ever been able to tell. She <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />
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