stated that when the Firefighter’s Union decided to test this new statute, they put the City’s
<br />firefighters’ jobs at risk; therefore they should be the one to step up and compensate these
<br />employees for their loss. Ms. Adams stated that she accepted the firefighters’ support during her
<br />campaign and as a result she supports them, but she also supports the rule of the law.
<br /> Finally, Ms. Adams stated that claiming that the City Manager has defamed anyone by his actions
<br />is specious. Anyone who personally attacks the City Manager and impugns his motives and
<br />character should be aware that if they succeed in depriving him of his current employment, they may
<br />end up paying his salary. Ms. Adams recommended persons resolve to choose their words
<br />carefully, since the same is true for defamatory attacks on Council members. She stated that her
<br />belief is that those who lost the election think that now they have nothing more to lose, but they do,
<br />and it is time to end the politics of personal destruction. Ms. Adams stated that she would
<br />respectfully request that everyone accept the results of the past election and get on with governing
<br />this City. She then requested that her written comments be attached to the minutes.
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<br />William Thomas, 7846 Gannon Avenue, University City, MO
<br />Mr. Thomas stated that he is Vice Chairman for the Commission on Senior Issues. He stated that
<br />this commission commenced its meetings in January with the goal of trying to figure out the best
<br />ways to reach the City’s senior citizens. Thus far they have concluded that in order to reach out
<br />more effectively and determine the needs of the City’s seniors and how this commission can best
<br />meet those needs, in the future they may choose to apply for funds from the City’s budget to hire a
<br />part-time employee.
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<br />Amy Redfield, 7035 Stanford Avenue, University City, MO
<br />Ms. Redfield initiated her comments by requesting that none of the Council members swear at her.
<br />She stated that she is sorry that she has to make this request, but since no one has chosen to
<br />reprimand Mr. Kraft, she felt she has no choice, because to not censure is to condone. Ms. Redfield
<br />stated that she understands that these meetings can get very contentious and difficult to sit through,
<br />but it becomes even more difficult when you take such an egregious act by a council member, add
<br />lying on top of it, and then Council takes no action to say this has gone too far and we do not
<br />consider it acceptable. Ms. Redfield stated that until Council does that then it is saying this is okay to
<br />its citizens, so how can anyone move on? She stated that while it is obvious that the City has
<br />problems, nothing is going to get fixed until Council takes a stance and says this is far enough.
<br />
<br />Patricia McQueen, 1132 George Street, University City, MO
<br />Ms. McQueen stated that on May 28, 2013, during citizen‘s comments she spoke about the
<br />deplorable condition of the 1100 and 1200 blocks of George Street and asked Council to put the
<br />estimated cost of repairing this street into the budget. At the time the estimated cost ranged from
<br />$180,000 to $200,000. She stated that George Street is now listed among the five year capital
<br />improvement projects, but under Fiscal Year Budget amendment II the budgeted amount is $23,500.
<br />Ms. McQueen stated that when she contacted Public Works to determine the status of the project
<br />she was informed that it would probably be initiated some time this fall and may have been delayed
<br />because of MSD. She has also heard that there could be some budget transfers that could eliminate
<br />any work to be done on George Street. She would like to get clarification on the difference between
<br />the estimated amount versus the budgeted amount, as well as the true status of the project. Ms.
<br />McQueen stated that she is concerned, because there are now more families with kids running
<br />around that could be injured because of the condition of the street, and because Byron Price, who
<br />rd
<br />was a strong advocate for sidewalk and street repairs in the 3 Ward, is no longer a member of
<br />Council. Ms. McQueen stated that with everything that has been going on in the past year she would
<br />love to be able to take something positive back to the residents on George Street.
<br />
<br />Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, University City, MO
<br />Ms. Glickert stated that in 1980, refuse dumpsters were introduced to University City’s single family
<br />residential alleys. She stated that at that time the City’s Public Works Director, who was a civil
<br />engineer, was also a pioneer in solid waste management, recycling, the transfer station, the tree
<br />saver, and as a result, all of the boxes in the alleys were the same size. She stated that the same
<br />size box still exists in the southwest alleys and in Ames’s Place, which have a lid size of 28 inches
<br />long that can easily be lifted by a child. Ms. Glickert stated that upon the retirement of this Public
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