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Session 1587, Minutes Page 5 <br />March 15, 1993 <br /> <br />LIQUOR LIC~..~SE - 6600 DELMAR B~jLEVARD <br /> <br />The City Manager said the owner of the Cantom Cafe, 6600 Delmar, applied for <br />a license to sell all types of ~cating liquor by tba drink at retail. <br />The applicant has never b~_ld a liquor license but has a c]~ record and 10 <br />years experience as a restaurant owner, incl~ng six years in the Central <br />West End, and at 6600 Delmar since November 20, 1992. He prefers a full li- <br />cense but will accept a b~er and wine license. Mr. Ollendorff said the for- <br />E operator at this locatic~ had a beer c~ly license, and most Loop restau- <br />rants have had to wait up to six months before receiving a license. <br /> <br />Tne applicant, Mr. Kavin Luu, 4430 C~mbridge Court, Bridgeton, asked for ap- <br />proval, saying his customers liked a beer before dinner. Mr. Scbaceer said <br />the few times Council approved a license without a six month waiting period <br />were when the applicant had a current license, which w~s not the case here. <br /> <br />In response to Mrs. Schuman, Mr. Ollendorff said he could think of only one <br />instance where the waiting period was less than six mc~ths unless the opera- <br />tor had both restaurant and alcoholic beverage ea~l~_rience. <br /> <br />Mr. Price moved that a beer only lioense be ~L~nted. Mr. Schocmer seconded <br />the motion. Mrs. Schuman and Mr. Wagner felt Council's existing policy of a <br />six month waiting period should be honored. A roll call vote was requested, <br />and Councilmembers Price, Schocmer and Tn~t~son voted Aye, with Councilmem~ <br />bers Wagner, Schuman and Mayor Pro Ten ~ voting Nay. The motion was de- <br />feated three to three. Mr. Luu was invited to return in May. <br /> <br />F~XSC~NEL REPO~ <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending March 13, 1993, was received and or- <br />dered filed. <br /> <br />Tne Police Department report for the month of Febl~y, 1993, was received <br />and ordered filed. <br /> <br />Ci'riZ~(I~ <br /> <br />Mr. Je~te Scott, 1263 Hefner Place, representing the 1200 Hafner Block Unit, <br />said sidewalks were to be added to the Hafner bridge in 1992 so those cross- <br />ing the bridge would not have to dodge traffic. He asked when this would be <br />done. Mr. Ollendorff said the Council and St. Louis COunty approved the pro- <br />ject last fall, but funding is being b~_ld up at the state level, where the <br />Highway Det apparently does not know which of its divisions must give <br />approval. He thought the work would not be du~e before fall at the earliest, <br /> <br />that Mr. Scott and his neighbors write their state and federal representa- <br />tives to find out why this project has not been approved. Responding to Mr. <br />Price, Mr. Ollendorff said fur~ng for this bridge will come fLu~ federal <br />highway money that is designated for cities, counties and states. <br /> <br /> <br />