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Roll Call Vote: <br />AYES: Mr. Kraft, Mr. Glickert, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Jennings and Mayor Welsch <br />NAYS: Dr. Carr and Mr. Crow <br /> <br />The third suggested rule change was on Council Rule 24. “Including ordinances and <br />resolutions,” was added after “In advance of each meeting of the Council, the City Manager <br />shall prepare an agenda of matters”. Another change to Rule 24 was it would take three <br />members of Council to place a resolution or ordinance on the agenda instead of two members <br />of Council. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch noted that this Council, in 2011, voted to allow two members of Council could <br />add something on the agenda. The rules in 2009 and before only had the City Manager <br />adding items to the agenda. Then members of Council could request reports and ask that <br />items be place on the agenda for discussion through the City Manager. <br /> <br />Mr. Jennings made this motion with the hope that it would cause more communication. He <br />said he would not have problem talking with Dr. Carr or any other members of Council for two <br />additional signatures. Mr. Jennings stated that he was going to hit the reset button and change <br />it back to the original two members could add an item onto the agenda and instead his motion <br />would change by adding to his original motion, “Any resolution that has been finally disposed of <br />and any resolution that is the same or essentially the same will be considered out of order <br />during that time period of twelve months”. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert supported Mr. Jennings’ motion to leave it at two members of Council to put an <br />item on the agenda but would add at the end, if it was disposed of it could not be brought back <br />again for a period of twelve months. He noted that he did not like three members would be <br />needed to put something on the agenda and thought two was fair. Mr. Glickert noted there <br />have been issues with recent resolutions when Council pulled three resolutions by voting to <br />postpone indefinitely. <br /> <br />Point of Information was called by Dr. Carr. She asked if he said something could be taken off <br />the agenda. He said it was done three times when resolutions were postponed indefinitely. <br />Dr. Carr said it may be what was done but it was not correct. Mayor Welsch asked Mr. Glickert <br />to continue. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert continued with what he was saying. He said the way this changed would be <br />structured is that it allows an opportunity for members of Council to start lobbying and selling <br />their resolution. If this is not done, there will be a twelve month wait to bring it back. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked how the rule change makes Council work more effectively. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe spoke of a school board vote brought before Council where the item that was <br />presented was voted down and the presenter then lobbied till he convinced enough board <br />members to vote in favor. It was not until that time that did he bring it back. Mr. Sharpe said <br />what was being said now is to continuing to bring the same item forward meeting after meeting <br />is a waste of Council’s time. He stated if it has been voted down why would you immediately <br />bring it back unless you lobbied other members to agree that it would be okay to bring it back. <br />To just keep bringing it back as pushing it on members of council and is just a waste of time. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow spoke on the school board issue and said the details will show that it was never <br />implemented. He asked for anyone to tell him what business of the City he has slowed down <br />by the resolutions he has introduced. He spoke again of three special meetings being called in <br />a month and said he has never asked for a special meeting. Mr. Crow stated he would go as <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />