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Mr. Crow stated the Mayor and Mr. Glickert called a special meeting so that Mr. Sharpe and <br />Mr. Jennings could introduce their resolution did not make sense to him. He was not asked but <br />was told to show up, five times out of six weeks for a special meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated that he had hope this meeting would just be about the discussion of the rules <br />and would like to stick to the agenda. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch noted that Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Jennings asked that a vote be taken on the <br />th <br />motion to add, as per Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 11 Edition, page 468, “The <br />minutes of the meetings of the City Council shall be a record of what was done at a meeting, <br />not what was said by the members”. <br /> <br />Roll Call vote: <br />AYES: Mr. Jennings, Mr. Kraft, Mr. Glickert, Mr. Sharpe and Mayor Welsch <br />NAYS Dr. Carr and Mr. Crow <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch moved on to Council Rule 10. Citizen Participation will remain as it has been <br />but Council Reports and Business section would move down to just before Council Comments <br />section. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked what the benefit was. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch said the benefit would be doing the business of the City before the business of <br />the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow said that commissions spend a great deal of time and provide Council with the <br />minutes of their meetings and by pushing it further down the agenda does not give credence to <br />commission members. The members spend their time, make their votes and <br />recommendations and then they are not heard from. <br /> <br />Dr. Carr stated that this is where Council has put on things like a vote to add additional police <br />so if moved to end of meeting the thought was that people would get tired a go home and <br />particularly the media leaves. Dr. Carr said was this section is where important business has <br />been added as hiring of police and cameras in the Loop. She noted that she does not bring <br />anything forward that her constituents did not asked for her to do. Dr. Carr noted this was <br />putting down citizen input and representation by the minority. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft said the Council Reports and Business section should be moved and be placed after <br />what the City Manager asks Council to approve and after voting on the resolutions and <br />ordinances that are actually on the agenda. He noted the unusual way the topics of the <br />cameras and police were brought up, and said that some of Council was not aware of the <br />additions’ purpose or expense. Mr. Kraft noted it was Mayor Welsch’s suggestion to add this <br />to the Council agenda originally but it needs to go into a more appropriate place on the <br />agenda. <br /> <br />Dr. Carr said it was noticed and was not voted on the first time they brought it up. She said it <br />came back several times and finally was brought up as a resolution. She noted to look at the <br />minutes of October 20, 2012, to see what was done. Dr. Carr said not to marginalize <br />something as important as public safety. <br /> <br />Vote on Rule 10 of Council rules to be moved down on the agenda and placed before Council <br />Comments. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />