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'Y VI ~ " <br />re,4 <br />x,'~re <br />W. <br />. W <br />Day 1n vgnoe fnr ,3 11nonso for one fear, rllt,) dnIlsra: std <br />any on* fPilz„g to oosipiy wit:t tTln enOt:,en sahnt' pal I <br />f Of M iaa. Fig vii civiiv r,p P. ~vei atkwoot. T.tnea ens <br />rrld doll.ares <br />aootlOn 11W tto Merchant or uarnxfacturar shall conduct <br />his lno aiaaa in thin city without a city arid Sthto licence, anri <br />e+rezy peraon of'felmliV against this ,notion shall td deemed <br />guilty of +a misdammlwr, exd on cor viotion shad kse fined not <br />leas than twenty five doll-re for -Moh offense, slid every, day <br />he ahal: conduct said tntr,irloss without sueh lioonse ahell aon- <br />atitete a separate offensea <br />Sootiull la: The i3at 5. Of AXOXILen ahal', have POWer and <br />It h0re y levies, and all morahants and manufacturors shall par <br />to the city 061lootor, an JA tax equal to that which <br />is levied UX"U real eatat*; aialmt of whluh tax stall be de- a <br />tarmined and ascertained in the same way as the State and County <br />tax is aaosrtalned; and the collector sbftIl have wpr to pa- V ~ <br />- ng't,'rse Trviouq'y'ear, !u;ro liaanae -shall "oe ieslid sa <br />ecticn 1W. ♦~yNV,.h omwuewnv `YVw`www. nw m+mset Y'..piar jliilU dl. d'2l C[`tl uiai►cr <br />license shell auLharixo the, party, therein named to carry on <br />deemed guilty of s raia±~laanor, and upon conviction, shall be <br />license shall be at <br />y the rate ^f a.•._,, •+.zi a r Year, and ar, aw no <br />licence shall be lee , a' lase than six ix , t thhee; ➢edd s <br />0 licena gala;' 1--o fi d llv ths <br />no one aha1S ol2Rre for a Period of tweia months' cad <br />m tarsus any of said avaaaticne in t,*nlo eity with out <br />=at6 payment in 9.Van6B of &RIA e,,mr:r.tay rte. aY6utiCL4" w : be <br />Ciol~wwr, anc the ♦tolation of this eact'lon shall be a mien <br />damesnor' punishable on conviction try a fine of fifty dollars <br />for each nffenee, <br />Mr a lees ot~i than Pive dollars, which :lam shall b" paw by t <br />a mernhant or maznifaatvxW doing a buslraew Cr five thausa'xt <br />do2$rE or lees pcsr an ;1~i;) and all etatsaento neawc,earq 1n the a ,y <br />priuae shall be made under oats end filed with the collector <br />C; ~ <br />at the time the license is applied for, and at said time all <br />sums of money payable therefor shall be paid to the eolieotor• <br />O/!/N.acttt s+ <br />oardy, flowers, paDeorn, non.-alx3oholia beverages oa~!aa¢ <br />or other articles of food are offered for Dais, to be used, <br />earl or consumed, not at a Out table or ovuiiiarr u, or at said <br />Dlaeee or elsewhere enr. there Mall be levied any, collected <br />as a license +t}pon ovary, ordinary the ®,tm at ten dollars, ataioh <br />the business for the term of six months, and MW une eareyiit~ <br />an the business of ta;oMinaiy without a liaanseb shall be <br />4 <br />