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t,?tliilwt A .L <br />SECTION 1. Ll(;-nR DACfl, IM/.:C7N.POUT A CORP)RAtION OF 2' <br />STATE. of Ml`Vi01,191, haraifxaftar rafar'rad to as ",'.ontraater% having <br />s:: itted t.ha S.=Sat sz..,. .#::eivid ,y tya C.esk, 1,14 is haw. <br />auto attaclsad and hereby made pert of this Ordinance for the raposed wet$ of <br />laproy nt of t c AEA A. L. 3'S'IT F .?LIC A 'X'Y 17. bLoCK ! yE (1} OP kAiROT 1dIIWI$ <br />D1VlUO% A-Vb BLOT, slx {G} OF flk."Li.WW PA&S AkUDED SUBDr419I0A, f a$ <br />A TO KIRESLAYD AVOUR, IN THE CITY OF UNIVIASITY CITY, M1; DS1, In esoardasioe <br />with the published advertisement for the ieoroveeent authorised by Ordinaries number <br />1509, approved the Path day or September, A. D. 19x^8, the Mayor is hereby aethorised <br />and directed to enter into a oontrant. with said Contractor for the aforesaid iss. <br />prov t in the form and m mAr approved by said Ordinance Number 1689, s€sprovwd <br />the ?0th day of September, A. U. 1928, within tan (10) days after the award berate <br />made, provided said Contractor shall furnish a good and suffioiant bond with matis- <br />faetory sureties in the ro" approved bg said Ordinanns Number 1,689, or mash, In <br />the e3t or = 1444 the- Y. rit.. (yh~i a S t the -intra; rla a, <br />SUM of THREE TRJU:uIND ~>lUMA7,W) OUL.AR5. to t,e snprov ad <br />by the Mayor, conditlonad that said Contractor will furnish all materials and do <br />said work in nompiionce with the terms end conditions of said contract, the plans, <br />apecifice+1ons oral the ordinances thereto pertaining. <br />SECTION P. This Ordinsnce shall take effect and be in force free and <br />after its passage and speroval by the Mayor. <br />Passed this --47 day of - y 44e- /°A, D. 1928, <br />Mayor and Ex-orrio a raw sea of the <br />Board of~Ald <br />Approved thia~ ~ day of D. I"$. <br />ATTEST: <br />i <br />iitV 0 erk. - <br />