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l ie Ci ti+r **h <br />rge is <br />in ..aeprdr>noo with th*t 01:.A4 and epociriootiona now on fill in w#, d"! '4o wi' <br />Ci*.y c" r*' and pprovod by Ordinaottae Knob r I N013, • pprcrood th4 tOth Any or <br />Rept*.abkr, a. D, 'U", dt the fnllcawing oricoo, So-wltt <br />MR Gradir,@, .nd prnpor*04 th RUdhad 'Or t,ho'up':tetruoturo' <br />P,r cubic yard . <br />,fi• ,i <br />(a <br />FOR Rainfrrnwd POrt:lnnd Convent f, ln,.rat.o Nvvn: nP, A" think, <br />pnr squora yard,......>,..,....,.. *7. At R ) <br />FTR ;.sphn}tur± PAT Sap''~nrioo Jo int, in plaoo e'nc,. Ito, <br />Pnr i*r fc ' ...,.,1 e0, s~j. ) <br />fnR Metal G fe F°TI;Leatpr, in paoc, cord;lato, <br />P,>r linc•:r fc;;t. Ap"70 ) <br />:snolosod find certifia,i shook fcr ".HI CL 6,350.00) iame.Rs <br />drown to the order of the TRL4LIUR OF THF. CITY 0r VNIVFRSIIY CITY, V102 1AC, as <br />a guar,nto~ of good Smith on -O"Ai port in nr.kicg thi.o bid.. <br />In event of Niluru on p rt t," ezrout= ooxttra:••t ar3 borsi <br />Aatisf::ctory to th., City ;a r'.~quirud In the specificatlons, tMs sh"11 be <br />forfaitad is the City oP Jniversicy City as liquiciatod d;. ,O;ec <br />~C 'ail! "orantec to oonp:..te tMs .aork: witUt. <br />XUR (4) X'rs (exclusive of Me of curing slab) rros d,,,,• of not?f°ontivr to <br />begin :cork. <br />Ft ~r FyRRE Z4 <br />, .4 <br />