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Section 8. Duties of Advisory Commission: <br /> <br />The Advisory Commission <br /> <br />has the responsibility of performing the pr4m~ry administrative functions of the <br /> <br />District. These functions include, but are not limited to, the following: <br /> <br />Officers and Committees - The original members of the <br />Advisory Co~lssion shall meet within thirty (30) days <br />of their appointment and organize themselves by the <br />election of one of their number as Chairman, another as <br />Vice Chairman, and yet another as Secretary-Treasurer, <br />and by the election of such other officers as they may <br />deem necessary. Thereafter, new elections among the <br />members of the Advisory Con~ission for all officer posi- <br />tions shall occur annually during the month of January. <br />The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer of <br />the Advisory Commission shall function as an Executive <br />C~mnittee, and the members of the Advisory Commission <br />may create such other comittees as they deem necessary. <br /> <br />By-Laws - The A~visory Co,mission shall make and adopt <br />such By-Laws, rules and regulations for their own guid- <br />ance and for the administration of the District as may <br />be appropriate, but not inconsistent with the ordinances <br />of the City of University City or the statutes of the <br />State of Missouri. <br /> <br />Development Plan - The Advisory Co~ission shall be <br />responsible for the development and maintenance of an <br />overall plan of action for the District. This plan will <br />be construed to be the major policy instrument of the <br />District, and all expenditures and activities are to be <br />reviewed in light of the plan. The Advisory Co~mission <br />shall be required to hold at least one meeting a year to <br />~ghich all individuals owning property and/or operating a <br />municipally licensed business within the boundaries of <br />the District are actively encouraged to attend with the <br />expressed purpose of reviewing and updating the plan. <br /> <br />Budget - The Advisory Commission shall be required to <br />create and maintain a line-item budget for any existing <br />revenue and the anticipated revenue of the District for <br />the year following the date of the last-publlshed budget. <br />Said budget must be published annaally and submitted to <br />the City Council for approval by the first of July. <br />Prior to the submittal of the budget to the City Council <br />the Advisory Commission shall be required to hold at <br />least one meeting to which all individuals owning prop- <br />erty and/or operating a municipally licensed business <br />within the boundaries of the district are actively <br />encouraged to attend with the expressed pur..Dose of <br />reviewing the proposed budget. The Advisory Commission <br />may make recommendations for the modification or elabo- <br />ration of the budget to the City Council at any time. <br /> <br />Annual Report - The Advisory Commission shall be <br />required to submit an annual report of its activities to <br />the City Council by the first of July of each year. <br />This report should inventory the projects undertaken by <br />the District in the preceding year and their status, <br />minutes of all meetings held by the Advisory Commission <br />and any of its committees, relevant correspondence, a <br />copy of the latest plan adopted for the District, a <br />financial report of the District, a statement By the <br />Executive Committee on the status of the ef~tive~s~ <br />of the District, and such other items as may be deemed <br />relevant by the Advisory Co,,aissiou. Upon receipt of <br />the Annual Report the City Council shall place same ou <br />file with the City Administrator and note that it is <br />available for public inspection. <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br /> <br />