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per year, which shall include the sale of such malt liquor and wine <br /> in the original package, provided, however, no license shall here- <br /> after be issued except to the owner, proprietor, manager or keeper <br /> of a bona fide restaurant or hotel dining room where food is <br /> regularly or customarily. sold at tables for consumption on <br /> premises, at retail, in the ordinary and usual course of the <br /> restaurant business; and no such license shall be issued unless <br /> said licensee shall-conduct <br /> _ fifty_ per. cent or more of his sales <br /> volume in food on said premises. or_wh.ich has an annual gross income <br /> of at least Two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars from the sale <br /> of prepared meals or food consumed on the premises. For the <br /> initial license year the licensee shall estimate his sales volume <br /> and for each year thereafter the sales volume shall be determined <br /> by the previous six months sales, or that part of the license term <br /> during which he holds his license. The provision of this paragraph <br /> as to the sale of food on the licensed premises shall not apply to <br /> any location licensed hereunder on the effective date of this ordi- <br /> nance or to any transferee at said location; provided, however, <br /> said location has operated under a license within twelve months <br /> prior to the applicant filing for a license under this section. <br /> f. In original package and not more than twenty-two er alcohol. For each license for the sale of intoxicating liquorCein <br /> the original unbroken package or container only, containing not in <br /> excess of twenty-two per cent alcohol by weight, the sum of Seventy <br /> Five Dollars per annum, payable in cash in advance upon the <br /> issuance of such license. <br /> g. Clubs. For each license issued to a club as herein defined for <br /> sale of any and all kinds of intoxicating liquor at retail by the <br /> drink, for consumption in, at or on the premises where sold, which <br /> shall also include sales in the original packages the sum of Two <br /> Hundred Dollars, payable in cash in advance. <br /> "Club", as used herein, shall mean a duly organized branch or local <br /> unit of a fraternal society, which fraternal society shall have a <br /> national organization of at least five hundred thousand members, <br /> and an affiliated state organization in at least three-fourths of <br /> the United States, and which branch or local unit shall have a <br /> meeting place within the boundaries of the City. Sales under such <br /> licenses shall be made only to members of such club, the families <br /> of such members, and to the guests of such members. The word <br /> guest" as used herein shall mean and apply to any person who has <br /> been specifially invited in the premises and who is accompanied by <br /> one or more of the members of such club, members of any group or <br /> organization during the time that such group or organization is <br /> actually occupying the premises, or any part thereof, at the invi- <br /> tation or by the consent of such club, or any person while in <br /> attendance at any function conducted by such group or organi- <br /> zation. <br /> No signs advertising the sale of alcoholic beverages shall be dis- <br /> played on the premises of any such club. <br /> All licenses issued under this section shall expire on the thirty- <br /> first day of December following the date of its issuance; provided, <br /> that if the effective date thereof is on or after the first day of <br /> July of any year,, one half of the annual fee herein provided for <br /> shall be paid. <br /> Section 2. This ordinance shall not be -construed so as to relieve <br /> any person, firm or corporation from any penalty heretofore incurred by the <br /> violation. of Section 4-7, nor bar the prosecution for any such violation. <br /> 4 <br />