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BILL NO. <br /> <br />7792 <br /> <br />INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER PRICE <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />5588 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE Ab~NDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, RELATING TO RETIREMENT AND <br />PENSIONS BY REPEALING SECTION 25-46 THEREOF, AS ESTABLISHED <br />BY ORDINANCE NO. 4221, ENACTED JUNE 27, 1966, RELATING TO <br />BENEFITS OTHER THAN ON RETIREMENT, AND ENACTING IN LIEU <br />THEREOF A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 25-46, <br />BENEFITS OTHER THAN ON RETIREMENT" BY AMENDING SAID SECTION <br />SO A:] TO INCREASE THE INTEREST EARNINGS FROM THREE PER__~NT <br />(3%) PER ANNUM TO FIVE PER~NT (5%) PER ANNUM. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, <br /> <br />MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Section 1. Chapter 25 of the Municipal Code of the City of <br /> <br />University City, relating to retirement and pensions by repealing Section 25- <br /> <br />46 thereof, a6 established by Ordinance No. 4221, enacted June 27, 1986, <br /> <br />relating to becefits other than on retirement, and enacting in lieu thereof a <br /> <br />new section to be known as "Section 25-46, benefits other than on retirement" <br /> <br />by amending said section so as to increase the interest earnings from three <br /> <br />per cent (3%) per annum to .five per cent (5%) per annum, relating to the same <br /> <br />subject, and re-enacting said section so that said section, as so amended, <br /> <br />shall read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 25-46. Benefits other than on retirement. <br /> <br /> (1) If the membership of an employee is terminated by <br />reaso~ of death prior to their normal service retirement <br />date, the amount of their accumulated contributions shall <br />be pa~able in a lump sum to their designated beneficiary. <br /> <br /> (2) If the amount payable under subsection 12 is less <br />than 50% of their final average compensation, then an <br />additional amount to bring the death payment to 50% of <br />their final average compensation shall be payable in a <br />lump :~um to their widow or widower, of if no widow or <br />widower to their minor child or minor children in equal <br />sharers. If no widow or widower or minor children survive <br />the deceased member, no benefit shall be payable under <br />this ~ubsection. <br /> <br /> (3) If the membership of an employee is terminated by <br />reason of their death after their normal service retire- <br />ment date but prior to their actual retirement, their <br />accumulated contributions shall be payable in a lump sum <br />to their _designated beneficiary. If the deceased <br />membez's designated beneficiary is their widow or <br />widower, they may elect to receive in lieu of the <br />member's accumulated contributions a pension payable for <br />life computed as if a member had retired on the day of <br />their death and had elected the optional form of pension <br />set forth in Section 25-47. <br /> <br /> (4) Should the membership of an employee be terminated <br />by reason other than their death or retirement, they <br />shall be paid within one year the amount of their contri- <br />butions plus interest earnings of five percent (5%) per <br /> <br /> <br />