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112.2 Suspension of permit.: If authorized work is not commenced within six <br />months after the issuance of a permit, or if the authorized work is suspended <br />or abandoned for a period of six months after the time of commencing work, the <br />permit shall become invalid unless an application to extend this time period <br />is received prior to the expiration of the period and the code official grants <br />the ttme extension. <br /> <br />SECTION 114.0 FEES <br /> <br />114.3.1 Fee Schedule: A fee for each application, plan examination, permit, <br />inspection, appeal, and other service furnished, by the department of building <br />inspection or its contractors, shall be as prescribed in local ordinances. <br /> <br />114.3.2 Double Fee: When any work for which a permit is required by this <br />code is started prior to obtaining said permit, the total applicable fee shall <br />be doubled, but the payment of said doubled fee shall not relieve any person <br />from complying with the requirements of this code nor from the penalties <br />prescribed for the violat,.on of the provi~ions of this code. <br /> <br />SECTION 115.0 INSPECTION <br /> <br />115.6 Supplemental InSpections: Due to unusual construction or circumstances <br />the code official may require that supplemental inspections be conducted in <br />addition to the inspections normally provided. The need for such supplemental <br />inspections shall be determined prior to the issuance of the building permit <br />and the fees for these additional inspections shall be Raid before the permit <br />is issued. <br /> <br />115.7 Extra Inspections: In addition t.o the inspections normally provided, <br />the code official may require that extra in~pections or re-inspections be <br />conducted due to non-compliance with code ~equirements or due to work which is <br />not ready for inspection or not accessible for inspection when an inspection <br />is requested. Fees for such additional inspections shall be assessed when the <br />inspections are conducted. <br /> SECTION 117.0 VIOLATIONS <br /> <br />117.4 Violation Penalties: Any person violating any provisions of this code, <br />or who shall fail to cqmp2.y with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall <br />erect, move, construct, alter, remove, demolish or repair a structure in <br />violation of an approved plan or directire of the code n~fieial, or of a <br />permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, or shall start <br />any work requiring a permit without first obtaining the permit thereof, or who <br />shall continue any work in or about a structure after having been served a <br />stop-work order, except such work as that person has been directed to perform <br />to remove a violaton or unsafe condition; or any owner or tenant of a building <br />or premises or any other person who takes part or assists in any violation of <br />this Code or who has charge of any building, premises, or part thereof in <br />which such violation shall exist, shall upon conviction thereof be subject to <br />the penalties provided in Section 1-8 of the Municipal Code of the City of <br />University City. <br /> <br />SECTION 118.0 STOP WORE ORDER <br /> <br />118.2 Unlawful Continuance: It shall be unlawful for any person to continue <br />any work in or about a structure after having been served a stop work order; <br />except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation <br />or unsafe condition. <br /> <br />SECTION 120.0 UNSAFE STRUCTURES <br /> <br />120.7 Public Nuisance: Structures which are declared a nuisance under the <br />terms of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of University City shall <br />be vacated and demolishe~ or repaired in strict accordance with the provisions <br />of said chapter. <br /> <br />120.8 Insurance ProceedS: If there are proceeds of any insurance policy <br />based upon a covered claim payment made for damage or loss to a building or <br />other structure caused by or arising out of any fire, explosion, or other <br />casualty loss, and if the covered claim-payment is in excess of fifty percent <br />(50%) of the face value of the policy covering a building or other structure, <br />then the following proced~re shall apply: <br /> <br /> <br />