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laws of the State of Missouri. The construction documents shall include the name and <br />address of the registered design professional and shall be signed, sealed and dated by the <br />registered design professional in accordance with Section 114.3. <br /> <br />Exceptions: <br />1. Construction documents for single family dwellings that are designed by and <br />signed by the owner of the proposed building. Such buildings shall be built for <br />the exclusive occupancy by the owner for a period of at least five years. <br />2. Miscellaneous structures related to buildings of the R-3 use group, such as <br />room additions, carports, garages, sheds and other similar structures. <br />3. Work of a minor nature approved by the Code Official in accordance with <br />Section 105.6. <br /> <br />114.3 Application of Seals: When construction documents are submitted in accordance <br />with Section 107.5, the application of seals and signatures on those documents shall be <br />required as follows: <br /> <br />a. The registered design professional for each discipline shall place his or her <br />original embossed or wet ink seal and signature upon the cover sheet of each set <br />of construction documents or on the front sheet of each discipline within each set <br />of construction documents. <br /> <br />b. In addition, all other sheets of the construction documents other than <br />specifications or calculations shall bear the original embossed, wet ink, or <br />mechanically reproduced seals of the registered design professional. <br /> <br />c. Any addenda or modifications submitted for changes to the construction <br />documents shall also bear an original seal and signature by the registered design <br />professional. Such changes shall be clearly indicated. <br /> <br />(SECTION 116.0 VIOLATIONS) <br /> <br />116.4 Violation penalties: Any person who shall violate a provisions of this code, or <br />who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, move, <br />construct, alter, remove, demolish or repair a structure not in compliance with an <br />approved plan or directire of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under <br />the provisions of this code, or shall start any work requiring a permit without first <br />obtaining the permit therefore, or who shall continue any work in or about a structure <br />after having been served a stop-work order, except such work as that person has been <br />directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition; or any owner or tenant of <br />a building or premises, or any other person, who takes part or assists in any violation of <br />this Code or who has charge of any building, premises, or part thereof in which such <br />violation shall exist, shall upon conviction thereof be subject to the penalties provided in <br />Section 1-8 of the Municipal Code of the City of University City, Missouri. <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />