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108.1.2 Rejected application: Rejected applications will be held on file for 60 <br />days after the date of rejection. If the required information or corrections are not <br />received within this period of time, the application shall be deemed to have been <br />~abandoned <br /> <br />108.2 Suspension of permit: If authorized work is not commenced within six months <br />after the issuance of a permit, or if it is suspended or substantially abandoned for a <br />period of six months after the time of commencing work, the permit shall become invalid <br />unless an application to' extend this time is received prior to the expiration of the period <br />and the code official grants the time extension. Such suspension shall not relieve the <br />owner or person responsible from the obligation and responsibility to obtain a permit and <br />complete the work necessary to correct defects or restore the structure and the site to a <br />condition that complies with applicable codes and ordinances. <br /> <br />108.10 Refusal to comply. The code official shall revoke a permit in the case of <br />repeated refusals to comply with stop work orders. <br /> <br />(SECTION 112.0 FEES) <br /> <br />112.3.1 Fee schedule: A fee for each application, plan examination, permit, <br />inspection, appeal, and other service furnished by the department of building <br />inspection or its contractors shall be as prescribed in local ordinances. <br /> <br />112.3.2 Double fee: When any work for which a permit is required by this code <br />is started prior to obtaining said permit, the total applicable fee shall be doubled, <br />but the payment of said doubled fee shall not relieve any person from complying <br />with the requirements of this code nor from the penalties prescribed for the <br />violation of the provisions of this code. <br /> <br />(SECTION 113.0 INSPECTION) <br /> <br />113.6 Extra inspections: In addition to the inspections normally provided, the code <br />official may require that extra inspections or re-inspections be conducted due to non- <br />compliance with code requirements or due to work which is not ready for inspection or <br />not accessible for inspection when an inspection is requested. Fees for such additional <br />inspections shall be assessed when the inspections are conducted. <br /> <br />(SECTION 114.0 ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES) <br /> <br />114.1 General: The construction documents for new construction, alteration, repairs, <br />expansion, addition or modification for buildings or structures shall be prepared by a <br />registered design professional. All construction documents shall be prepared by the <br />appropriate registered design professional consistent with the professional registration <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br /> <br />