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AN ORDINANCE <br /> <br />AMENDING CHAPTER <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />10136 OF THE UNIVERSITY CITY <br /> <br />· MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO REGULATIONS FOR SPECIFIC STREETS, BY <br />REPEALING SECTION 10.36.130 THEREOF, RELATING TO CERTAIN VEHICLE S <br />ON CERTAIN STREETS - EXCEPTIONS, AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A <br />NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 10.36.130 CERTAIN VEHICLES <br />PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS-EXCEPTIONS, THEREBY AMENDING <br />SAID SECTION SO AS TO PROHIBIT CERTAIN ,VEHICLES ON JACKSON <br />AVENUE AND FORSYTH BOULEVARD BETWEEN SPECklED POINTS; <br />CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, MISSOURI, <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Chapter 10.36 of the University City Municipal Code, relating to regulations for <br />specific streets, is hereby amended by repealing Section 10.36.130 thereof, relating to certain vehicles <br />prohibited on certain streets - exceptions, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section to be known as <br />"Section 10.36.130 Certain vehicles prohibited on certain streets - Exceptions", thereby amending said <br />section so as to prohibit certain vehicles on Jackson Avenue and Forsyth Boulevard between specified <br />points; so that said section, as so amended, shall read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 10.36.i30 Certain vehicles prohibited on certain streets - Exceptions. <br /> <br /> No commercial vehicles, omnibus, with or without passengers, express wagon, <br /> cart, dray, truck or other vehicle carrying goods or articles of any kind, except when <br /> required to do so for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or articles in the <br /> immediate vicinity, nor procession of carriages or automobiles other than a funeral <br /> procession, shall be permitted at any time to drive over, along or upon any of the <br /> hereinafter named streets and places thereon without the written consent of the <br /> director of public works: <br /> <br />Ahem Avenue: From North and South Boulevard to Mr. Olive Avenue. <br /> <br />Amherst Avenue: From North and South Boulevard to Hanley Road. <br /> <br />Barby Lane: From McKnight Road to Kingdel Avenue. <br /> <br />Bemiston Avenue: From Delmar Boulevard to the south city limits. <br /> <br />Central Avenue: From Delmar Boulevard to the south city limits. <br /> <br />Clemens Avenue: From Kingsland Avenue to Leland Avenue. <br /> <br />Crixdale Avenue: From McKnight Road to Coolidge Avenue. <br /> <br />Eighty-Second Street: From the north city limits to Olive Boulevard. <br /> <br />Etzel Avenue: From Pennsylvania Boulevard to Olive Boulevard. <br /> <br />Ferguson Avenue: From Olive Boulevard to Vernon Avenue. <br /> <br />Forest Park Parkway: From the east city limits to the west city limits. <br /> <br /> <br />