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Forsyth Boulevard: From Big Bend Boulevard to the west city limits. <br /> <br /> How Avenue: From Wilshire to Mt. Olive Avenue. <br /> <br /> Jackson Avenue: FroTM Forsyth Boulevard to Delmar Boulevard. <br /> Kingdel Avenue: From Delmar Boulevard to West Kingsbury Avenue. <br /> Kingsbury Boulevard: From Big Bend Boulevard to Wellesley Avenue. <br /> Leland Avenue: From Delmar BoUlevard to Vemon Avenue. <br /> <br /> Lindell Boulevard: From Big Bend Boulevard to Forsyth Boulevard. <br /> Maryland Avenue: From Big Bend Boulevard to the west city limits. <br /> Midland Boulevard: From Delmar Boulevard to Olive Boulevard. <br /> Morgan Avenue: From Wilshire Avenue to Mt. Olive Avenue. <br /> Northmoor Drive: From Big Bend Boulevard to the west city limits. <br /> <br /> Pennsylvania Avenue: Between Olive Boulevard on the north and Comell on the south. From <br /> Olive Boulevard to Vernon Avenue. <br /> <br /> Pershing Avenue: From Big Bend Boulevard to the west city limits. <br /> Shaftesbury Avenue: From North and South Boulevard to Wilshire Avenue. <br /> Vernon Avenue: From Kingsland Avenue to Midland Avenue. <br /> <br /> Warder Avenue: Between the southern city limits on the south and Delmar Boulevard on the <br /> north. <br /> <br /> Washington Avenue: From Price Road to Kingdel Avenue. <br /> <br /> Waterman Avenue: From Big Bend Boulevard to Wellesley Avenue. <br /> Wellesley Avenue: From Forest Park Parkway to Kingsbury Boulevard. <br /> West Kingsbury Avenue: From McKnight Road to Kingdel Avenue. <br /> Westmoreland Drive: From Big Bend Boulevard to the west city limits. <br /> Wilshire Avenue: From Shaftesbury Avenue to How Avenue. <br /> <br /> Wilson Avenue: From Midland Boulevard to Shaftesbury Avenue. <br /> <br /> Section 2. This ordinance shall not be construed so as to relieve any person, firm or <br />corporation from any penalty heretofore incurred by the violation of Section 10.36.130, nor bar the <br />prosecution for any such violatiqn. <br /> <br /> Section 3. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance <br />shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty provided in Chapter 1.12, Section 1.12.010 of the <br /> <br /> <br />