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<br />Ordinance for Sections 34-21 and 34-40 Planned Development - Mixed Use District, Page 16 of25 <br /> <br />said public improvements in a manner similar to that required of all subdivisions <br />as specified in Title 16, "Subdivision and Land Development Regulations," <br />University City Municipal Code. (Ord. 6139 ~ 1 (Exh. A (part)), 1997) <br /> <br />34-40.10 Sketch plan meeting. <br />1. Sketch Plan Meeting. <br /> <br />The sketch plan meeting is a required, but informal, procedure intended to benefit <br />the prospective applicant, by allowing for an exchange of ideas and information. <br />No formal approval from the zoning administrator or other city staff is required <br />prior to proceeding with the preliminary development plan stage. <br /> <br />Prior to petitioning for a rezoning to one ofthe planned development districts, the <br />prospective applicant shall schedule a preapplication meeting with the zoning <br />administrator. The zoning administrator may request that other city department <br />representatives attend this meeting. At this meeting, the prospective applicant <br />shall provide general information on the proposed development, including site <br />location, existing site conditions, and a sketch plan of the proposed planned <br />development. The zoning administrator shall report to the applicant the staff's <br />evaluation ofthe sketch plan with respect to its compliance with the intent of the <br />planned development regulations as soon as practical after the meeting. The <br />zoning administrator shall also inform the prospective applicant of the required <br />development standards and documentation submittal and procedural requirements, <br />should the applicant decide to submit a formal rezoning petition. <br /> <br />2. Contents of Sketch Plan. The information that should be included with the <br />sketch plan are itemized in Section 16.12.080, "Subdivision and Land <br />Development Regulations," University City Municipal Code. In addition to items <br />listed in that section, the following information shall be included as well: <br /> <br />a. Building outlines (footprints) of all structures, except single-family detached <br />dwellings proposed on subdivided lots; <br /> <br />b. Circulation plan, including circulation drives and parking areas; <br /> <br />K:\WPOFFICEIWPDATA\x-34-21 and 34-40 textamord.wpd <br />