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(SECTION 117 DEMOLITION) <br /> 117.1 General. All demolitions by the City as the result of a nuisance hearing shall be in <br /> accordance with Section 110 of the Property Maintenance Code. <br /> 117.2 Notices and orders. Delete in its entirety. <br /> 117.3 Failure to comply. Delete in its entirety. <br /> 117.4 Salvage materials. Delete in its entirety. <br /> (SECTION 190 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTORS) <br /> 190.1 Contractor registration. Anyone performing work in the scope of the Code is <br /> required to be registered as a contractor with the City of University City. Registrations <br /> are for a term of one year and may be renewed per year thereafter. <br /> 190.2 Contractor registration fee. Registration fees shall be charged as provided by <br /> the Section 109 of the Building Code. <br /> 190.3 Suspension and revocations of registration. The Building Commissioner shall <br /> have the power to revoke or suspend any registration upon satisfactory proof that the <br /> holder of such registration shall have obtained the same by fraud or misrepresentation, <br /> or failed or refused to comply with the provisions of this code after written notice given <br /> by the Building Commissioner, or has been convicted of any violation of this code, <br /> including but not limited to, applying for permits and not doing the work, regularly <br /> performing work contrary to code, performing work without first obtaining the required <br /> permit, failing to regularly obtain the required final inspection, or allowing unsafe <br /> conditions to exist on a jobsite. <br /> 190.3.1 Warning of suspension and revocation. Contractors that perform work <br /> that warrants suspension and revocation shall first receive a warning letter <br /> notifying the contractor of their suspended status and providing 30 days to <br /> correct the situation leading to suspension. Letters placed in the mail shall be <br /> considered as sent and received. <br /> 190.3.2 Period of revocation. Contractors that fail to make improvement during <br /> suspension shall be revoked indefinitely unless reinstated by the Building <br /> Commissioner. <br /> 190.3.3 Reinstatement. The Building Commissioner shall have the ability to <br /> reinstate a contractor if the contractor can provide sufficient evidence to the <br /> Building Commissioner that the reason for suspension or revocation is no longer <br /> present. <br /> 5 <br />