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Applicant Jeff Ryan with Christner, Inc. was present to explain the proposal. He reviewed <br />elements of the previous design review presentation to the Historic Preservation <br />Commission and noted that the design has not changed since that meeting. In regards to the <br />Conditional Use Permit request, Mr. Ryan stated that the North side of the proposal meets <br />the required 25-foot setback, while the East and South sides of the proposal require <br />modifications in order to reflect the existing non-conforming setbacks of the original <br />Mendelsohn building, which were established by an existing Conditional Use Permit. He <br />further stated that the proposal is supported by neighbors of COCA upon presenting the <br />proposed expansion at a previous date. Mr. Ryan also presented a contextual analysis of the <br />height and distance between existing buildings in the neighborhood to demonstrate the <br />compatibility of the proposed expansion with the fabric of the neighborhood. Additionally, <br />the height of the proposed expansion is lower than the maximum height of the existing <br />Mendelsohn building. <br />Questions / Comments and Discussion by Historic Preservation Commission <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />What is the height of the existing addition that will be demolished as part of the proposed <br />expansion? The height of the existing addition is approximately the height of the <br />Mendelsohn building. <br />- <br /> <br />Have you showed the proposed plans to nearby residents? Yes, they were shown the <br />proposed plans about two to three weeks prior, and their responses were positive. <br />- <br /> <br />once before? Yes, a Conditional Use Permit was previously obtained to modify the setbacks <br />and height of the 2004 addition. <br />- <br /> <br />Commission members clarified that the existing addition will be demolished and further <br />inquired about any modifications to the historic structure. Mr. Ryan confirmed the <br />demolition and stated that areas of disrepair will be addressed. He further stated that <br />considering the proposed expansion abuts the existing historic structure, certain areas near <br />the proposed expansion, such as a staircase window, need to be altered to address <br />engineering related concerns although the spirit of the original design will be respected. <br />Some interior features are also proposed to be restored. <br />Public Comments None. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Ms. Leach to approve the plans as presented. The motion was <br />seconded by Mr. Chilton and carried unanimously. <br />5. Other Business <br />5.a. Public Comments <br />There were no further public comments. <br />6. Reports <br />tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ќ <br /> <br />