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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />the bill. I am not going to mention his name - I do not <br />feel it is in order for me to speak for anyone else, but <br />if there is anyone who feels I am stretching the truth, <br />I will be glad to give the gentlemants name to our Mayor <br />for him to verify the truthfulness of what I am about to <br />say. <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />When I spoke to this minister, he asked me to explain to <br />him in detail exactly ~ny I objected to this bill and I <br />repeated to him, practically word for word, what I have <br />just finished telling this group, and when I was all done, <br />his answer was, '~l~ro Colodesch, I think you are right - I <br />don't think that I or the other people who spoke in favor <br />of the bill have thought it out as carefully as you have. <br />I don't think their thinking has gone as far as you have <br />and if I had realized last week what you have just told me, <br />I probably would not have spoken in favor of the bill." <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said the name of the minister was supplied to him; he contaced <br />the minister, and the Mayor quoted a statement from the minister as follows: <br /> <br />"The minister said he did not change his mind and he feels <br /> as strongly as he did before. I have never said -- deny <br /> saying what Mr. Colodesch says I said.'~ <br /> <br />CITY M~NAGER' S REPORTS: <br /> <br />APPLICATION OF MRS. LEO KRfjiER FOR A CONDITIO~-~AL USE PERMIT: <br /> <br />This matter was reviewed by the City Manager. He stated that a public hearing <br />has been scheduled for this time to consider tile application of Mrs. Leo <br />Kramer for a conditional use permit to use the three-family apartment at 712 <br />Kingsland Avenue for a nursing home. He pointed out that at a meeting of <br />the City Plan Commission on December 23, 1959, that body, by a vote of 4 to 3, <br />disapproved the permit for the reasons set out in a letter from the City Plan <br />Commission dated January 4, 1960, a copy of w!~ich is attached to agenda item <br />number 1. <br /> <br />Upon inquiry by Mayor Kaufman whether the applicant is present, Mr. Harold C. <br />Ackert, attorney representing Mrs. Kramer asked to be recognized, which re- <br />quest was granted. Mr. Ackert submitted arguments, giving legal citations <br />and data supporting his reasons why the applicant should be granted a condition- <br />al use permit. <br /> <br />Upon inquiry by Councilman Stal~, Mr. Ackert reviewed some of the alterations <br />w!~ich would be required in order that the fire regulations may be met, and <br />stated that external changes such as a fire escape would not be necesaary as <br />there already exists a metal staircase in the rear of the building. <br /> <br />Mayor I~ufman inquired whether any member of the public desired to be heard <br />on this matter, whereupon ~rs. Harry Raven, 722 Kingsland Avenue, asked to <br />be recognized, which request was granted. Mrs. Raven spoke against the pro- <br />posal, asserting that the granting of a conditional use permit to Mrs. Iiramer <br />would be detrimental to surrounding property. <br /> <br />Mrs. Betty Fagin, 718 Kimgsland Avenue, was the next speaker to be recognized. <br />1.Irs. Fagin stated that she l~as no objection to 1,Irs. Kramer continuing to <br /> <br /> <br />