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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />service station in the full meaning of the word -- no lubrication jobs, tire <br />changing, or work of that nature is proposed. <br /> <br /> Weinhaus stated that since the December meeting of the City Plan Commission, <br />the applicant has acquired 50-feet to the east, which is intended for ingress <br />and egress if necessary, In addition, he said~ there is also an alley-way <br />~ich could be utilized. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinhaus reviewed the reasons given by the City Plan Commission for denying <br />the application. Councilman Baris said he is wondering about the effectiveness <br />of statements of present intentions which may be subject to future change. Mr. <br />Weinhaus stated that he believes Mr. Singer, who is present, would be in a <br />better position to answer Councilman Baris' question, and would do so later~ <br /> <br />Mr. C. C. Singer, 8227 Olive Boulevard, asked to be recognized, which requesi: <br />was granted. Mr. Singer stated that he represents the Rulo Investment Cor_~p~ny, <br />the o%mer of King Kar Wash. Mr. Singer said that the underlying reason for <br />buying the additional 50-feet of property was to protect their very sub~ <br />stantia! investment in the car wash. There is another factor involved, he <br />which has not been mentioned here, and that is if the plans of the State High-~ <br />way Department stand as they are today there will more than likely be a medfan <br />strip along Olive Boulevard -- this strip would be broken at Grant Drive and <br />inasmuch as Grant Drive is a public street there would be access coming across <br />from Grant Drive to the north= also a left turn could be made into Grant Drive <br />coming from the east~ He said they would have no problem with that strip if <br />the car were proceeding east. <br /> <br />In reply to question by Councilman Soule whether the applicant would provide <br />that there would be an exit or an entrance either on the 50-feet or on Grant <br />Drive, Mr. Singer answered affirmatively. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann asked l~r. Singer whether there was not some question about <br />not dispensing gasoline on weekends when t~e traffic was heavy, and Mr. Singer <br />replied that this is correct. <br /> <br />In reply to a question by Councilman Tandler, l~ro Singer stated that they <br />have guaranteed their tenants to the rear ~of lots 8, 9, 10, 32, 33 and 34) <br />the right to come in to the rear just to the west of Sokolik's Market -- to <br />the east of the building owned by the applicant at that point. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said the Chair is going to suggest that the Council have a fur- <br />ther expression of opinion from the City Plan Co~nission. He said the City <br />Plan Commission disapproved the applicaticn on a vote of 7 to 0, and he <br />would like to have their view after taking into consideration the evidence <br />presented this evening. The Mayor said that the members of the City Plan <br />mission can listen to the tape recording of this portion of the Council pro~, <br />ceedings if they wish to do so. Councilman Tandler, the Council representatzve <br />on the City Plan Commission~ stated that Mr. Singer and a representative of <br />the Lion Oil Company, appeared before the City Plan Commission last Wednesday <br />night, and although it was not termed as an official appearance it was never~. <br />theless a presentation of the revised plan that is now before the Council° <br /> <br />~ayor Kaufman said he would like to have an official co~.%unication from the <br />City Plan Commission setting forth their reasons for their position. Council- <br />man Tandler stated that the City Plan Commission will meet again on the 24th <br /> <br /> <br />