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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />of this month and if the Council wishes to obtain an additional opinion he <br />thinks that a proper cor_=nunication should be directed to the Chairman of the <br />City Plan Commission. Discussion continued. Mayor Kaufman stated that if <br />the applicant wants to appear at the next meeting and amplify any of his Ye- <br />marks he does not think any member of the Council would have any objection. <br />i~ayor Kaufman said, however, that he would like to hear (particularly where <br />there is a 7 to 0 vote)the reasons for the City Plan Con, mission approving or <br />disapproving the application. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann expressed the view that the three reasons stated by the <br />City Plan Commission (for disapproval) after their December 23rd meeting do <br />not apply today as they did at the time they made this decision. Councilman <br />Lahrmann moved that this ~natter be returned to the City Plan Commission for <br />reconsideration due to the applicant having acquired additional property, a~d <br />that the site plan be transmitted to the City Plan Commission together with <br />all of the evidence presented to the Council this evening, either from the <br />tape recording~ or by Mr. Singer and Mr. WeinLaus appearing before the City <br />Plan Commission and giving them the same information which they gave to the <br />Council this evening. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake asked that the Director of Law furnish an opinion with <br />reference to item number 3 of the City Plan Cor~.~ission's recommendation (dated <br />January 4, 1960) as to whether there is any legal reason why a second Con- <br />ditional Use permit cannot be granted. He further suggested that any legal <br />opinion on this point be transmitted to the mer~oers of the City Plan Commission <br />so they may consider it. <br /> <br />Councilman Baris expressed the view he is a little disturbed about the word <br />~reconsideration" in the notion. He said the Council is merely asking for <br />their opinion based upon additional development since they decided the matter. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann's motion was seconded by Councilman Stake, and unanimously <br />carried. <br /> <br />F~C~NDATIONS ON P~VISIOU OF ARTERIAL SPEED L~{ITS: <br />Agenda item number 3 was a report from the Traffic Commission, pursuant to <br />request of the Council, concerning proposed revision of arterial speed limits, <br />and at the request of i~fayor Kaufman, the City l~ianager reviewed this matter~ <br />stating that the Traffic Commission recommended ti~at the following major <br />streets be changed from 30 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour: <br /> <br />Millbrook Boulevard from eastern city limits to Wellesley Avenue <br />Forsyth Boulevard from Big Bend Boulevard to Manhattan Avenue <br />Delmar Boulevard from Big Bend Boulevard to the western city limits <br />Olive Boulevard from eastern city limits to western city limits <br />Vernon Avenue from eastern city limits to Midland Boulevard <br />Midland Boulevard from Vernon Avenue to the north city limits <br />Mc~igh~ Road from Delmar Boulevard to Olive Boulevard <br /> <br />It was the City Manager's recommendation that action be taken by the Council <br />as soon as possible in i~aving a public hearing on this matter, or, if the <br />Council so desires, to have the appropriate ordinances drafted. He pointed <br />out that it would take some time to put the new plan into effect as it will <br />be necessary to make certain changes in the signs. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake expressed the view that he believes that a public hearing <br /> <br /> <br />