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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />It~ES~ENT OF FL%IDS: <br />The City Manager stated that as a result of idle funds held in the Central <br />Garage Account, it is recor~ended that $40,000 be invested in 91-Day Treasury <br />Bills. At last report, he said, the average rate for such bills was approxi- <br />mately 4.43%. <br /> <br />Following discussion, Councilman Soule moved that the recommendation of the <br />administrative forces be approved and that $40,000 of funds held in the <br />Central Garage Account be invested in 91-Day Treasury Bills. Motion seconded <br />by Councilman Stake, and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL 5% BEER AT RETAIL BY THE PACKAGE: <br /> <br />This nmtter was reviewed by the City Manager, and he stated that he had sent <br />supplemental information on this matter to the Council last week. He said it <br />is his understanding of the law that the sale of 5% beer by the package is not <br />subject to any distance regulations, which was one of the points raised by a <br />member of the Council during consideration of this matter at a previous meeting. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved <br />and that a license for the sale of 5% beer at retail, by the package, be <br />granted to Mr. Harold Firestone, owner of Firestone's Cash Market, 7200 Balson, <br />pending payment of any unpaid fees or taxes, l~otion seconded by Councilman <br />Stake. At this juncture, Mayor Kaufman inquired whether the applicant is pre- <br />sent, to which there was no reply. Upon vote, the motion ~as unanimously <br />carried. <br /> <br />WEEKLY FIRE DEPARTMENT P~POP. T~ <br />The Fire Department report for the week of January 24, 1960 to January 31, <br />1960, was received and ordered filed. <br /> <br />WEEKLY POLICE DEPARTMENT ?d~PORT: <br />The Police Department report for the week of January 24, 1960 to January 30, <br />1960, was received and ordered filed. <br /> <br />PERSONt'~L DEPARTME~ ?~PORT~ <br />The Personnel Department report as of January 15, 1960 and as of January 31, <br />1960~ was received and ordered filed. <br /> <br />P~CESS: <br />~tayor t~ufman announced a recess (9:'35 o'clock P.M.) and at 9:42 o'clock P.M. <br />the meeting reconvened. <br /> <br />PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS AT NORTH At~ SOUTH ROAD AND PEACH TREE <br /> <br />City tianager Henry stated that he had received a letter today from Mr. Ralph <br />Duke, builder, indicating that Mr. Duke wishes to install sidewalks abutting <br />his property at North and South Road and Peach Tree Lane - approximately 170 <br />feet. Due to the fact that the buildings are multiple family units, it is <br />somewhat difficult to maintain a tree lawn when there is a considerable amount <br />of parking next to the curb, the City Manager said, and it is his thinking <br />that if Mr. Duke would be willing to construct a sidewalk 6-feet wide, it <br />might be acceptable as far as maintaining pedestrian safety and still keep <br />the premises neat-looking, although the Council has maintained a policy of <br />requiring a 4½-foot tree la%~. where the proper right-of-way is available. <br />Upon inquiry by Mayor Kaufman, the City Manager answered that he has not had <br />an opportunity to review this matter with Mr. Duke. Councilman Soule suggested <br />that this matter be placed on the regular agenda for consideration next week. <br />This was satisfactory to all members of the Council, and so was the order. <br /> <br /> <br />