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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />BILLS FOR THIRD RF~DING: <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />BILL ~lO. 5788 (AS AMENDED) - DEFINING AND PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATORY PP~CTICES <br />It~I P~fCES OF PUBLIC ACC~.~ODATION ;~D CREATING A CCMMISSION ON HUMAN RELATIONS: <br /> <br />Bill Us. 5788 (as amended) was given its third reading, following second read- <br />ing (as amended) as below. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5790 (AS AMENDED) - ?~ELATING TO LICEi-ISES £~qD BUSINESS REGULATIONS: <br />Bill I~To. 5790 (as amended) was given its third reading and ad~pted as Ordin- <br />al%ce !7o. 3772, followi-~.g second reading (as amended) as below. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5791 (AS AMENDED) - ;2~ENDING ARTICLE 702 MUNICIPAL CODE REI~TIIqG TO <br />BOILER OPERATORS: <br /> <br />Bill No. 5791 (as amended) was given its third reading and adopted as Ordin- <br />ance No. 3773, following second reading (as amended) as below. <br /> <br />BILLS FOR SECOND READING: <br /> <br />BILL ~]O. 5765 - PROHIBITIHG PIN BALL MACHINES <br /> <br />Bill No. 5765 - Deferred. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5785 - PROHIBITIHG PURCHASE OR POSSESSION OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR BY <br />A MINOR: <br /> <br />Bill No. 5785 - Deferred~ <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5788 (AS AMENDED) - DEFINING AND PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES <br />Ill PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOP~IODATION AND CREATII'?G A COMMISSION ON HUMC~N REIg~TIOHS: <br /> <br />Councilman Baris stated that he has prepared and submitted to members of the <br />Council suggested changes to be made in Bill Ho. 5788, based primarily upon <br />recommendations and some of the matters which came to light at the public hear- <br />ings recently conducted by the Council in connection with Bill No. 5788. <br />Councilman Baris discussed each of the changes, which are as follows, explain- <br />ing the reasons therefor: <br /> <br />(1) See. 3, par. 1, after the word "person" in line 2 insert: <br /> <br />"on account of race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin" <br /> <br />(2) Sec. 4 should be deleted, and the following substituted therefor: <br /> <br />:'Section 4. Places of Public Acco~odation Defined. <br />The term 'places of public accor, mnodation' shall mean all <br />places or businesses offering or holding out goods, services <br />or facilities to the general public, and shall be deemed to <br />include but not be limited to coranercia!!y operated and <br />privately owned inns, taverns, motels, hotels, eating houses <br />or any place where food or drink of any kind is sold for <br />consumption on the premises, dispensaries, clinics, hospitals, <br />bathhouses, theaters, motion picture houses, music halls, <br />concert halls, carnivals, skating rinks, amusement parks, <br />fairs, bowling alleys, golf courses, gymnasiums, billiard <br />or pool parlors~ swimming pools, libraries, garages, all <br />public conveyances or the stations or terminals thereof, <br />common halls or common elevators of structures containing <br />two or more units having different occupants. Nothing herein <br />contained shall be construed to include any institution, club <br /> <br /> <br />