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Session 1105, ~nutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />with cars parked on both sides, emergency vehicles will have difficulty <br />getting through, it is questionable whether this is an appropriate location <br />for thim type of building, there is the question of the sewer and drainage, <br />there will be a lack of privacy~ and the problem of debris and litter during <br />construction time. <br /> <br />~.[rs. Blanche Elkins <br /> <br />8633 I~. Kingsbury <br /> <br />I-~r. P. uben Sa~.uer <br /> <br />8677 Barby Lane <br /> <br /> }ir. Gene Tischler 8665 Barby Lane <br />~r. Tischler said he doesn't disapprove the plan; he realizes <br />this is valuable ground, but he, too, felt that the streets <br />will not support heavy traffic and the roads are too narrow. <br />He felt the developers ought to try to find other ingress and <br />egress. He raised the question whether a subsidized apartment <br />building is taxable, or whether it is a portion of the rental <br />that is not taxable. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Evelyn Tischler 8665 Barby Lane <br />Mrs. Tischler concurred in the views expressed by her husband. <br />She read a letter written by her neighbors, Daniel and Alice <br />Talonn, 8661 Barby Lane, who could not be present, question- <br />ing the desirability of constructing this type of a building <br />at that location. <br /> <br />~fr. Irvin ~dman <br /> <br />8655 Barby Lane <br /> <br /> I.~. Dennis K. Woodside 8660 t~. Kingsbury <br />Pit. l~oodside pointed out that the fact that W. Kingsbury does <br />not have sidewalks means that cars have to park a little higher, <br />further from the curb on certain sections. <br /> <br />~r. !~lvynHarrington <br /> <br />8634 Barby Lane <br /> <br />l'~rs. Gloria J. !.~risht <br /> <br />8654 Barby Lane <br /> <br />~-~r. Douglas O"Leary, attorney for the City of Ladue, stated that their prob- <br />lem is that the project which has been presented includes as a part of it <br />a residential lot in the City of Ladue, so that what is proposed as part <br />of the plan is that a lot of approximately 0.557 acres is going to be made <br />an integral piece of a project that they consider commercial. He said the <br />area involved is strictly residential and commercial is not allowed at all <br />and yet ~at is proposed to be done is to make a portion of Ladue in a <br />residential area part of a commercial project, lie said that they do not <br />feel it is proper and not clearly authorized under their law. He said <br />that it was understood from what ~{r. Bierman, Chairman of the University <br />City Plan Commission, said at a recent meeting, that without this 1/2 acre <br />section from Ladue the project would not qualify under the University City <br />rules and regulations and i~r. O'Leary said he feels this is something that <br />is necessary for the Council to consider and to take into account together <br />with the other problems that have been brought before the Council by the <br />citizens of University City. He said that if the half acre is essential to <br />legality under University City law, he doesn't see how the residential lot <br />in Ladue can be made part of a commerciarl project. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman asked ~r. O'Leary whether he is ~are of the use that <br />is proposed by the developer of the half acre in Ladue, and }{r. O'Lea~3 said <br />he understands it will be called a park, but in his opinion it does not <br /> <br /> <br />